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丝绸之路的历史可以追溯到公元前二世纪,当时一名官员、朝廷的使者张骞沿着这条连接欧亚两大洲的贸易通道出使西域。The historyof the Silk Way could track back to 2 century BC.

蔺相如是赵国出使秦国的使臣。Lin Xiangru was the envoy the Zhao state detached to the Qin State.

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一个就是制作出使人不能和脏水混合的奶粉。One is to make the powder so that you can't mix it with dirty water.

过去的一年中,英国官员频繁出使拉美各国。The past year has seen a flurry of ministerial visits to Latin America.

沈先生一见面就向孔子倾述这回出使齐国的艰难之处。He uttered the hardship of the mission to Confucius as soon as talk started.

芬丹一直担任戍边的任务,他曾经担任过出使贵国塔伦嘉德的宫廷特使。You know Findan who maintains our borders, he was emissary to your court at Talonguard.

壮年鳏夫威廉·汉密尔顿爵士作为英国大使,出使那不勒斯王国。Sir William Hamilton, a widower of mature years, is British ambassador to the Court of Naples.

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他们在一路,用连珠趣话擦出使人捧腹不已经的精彩笑料以及智慧火花。They together, with linguistic subtlety wipe out a belly laughs and wonderful with wisdom spark.

无限制的检出使得多个开发人员能够检出同一个文件并使得改动能够并发进行。Unreserved checkout let multiple developers check out the same file and make changes concurrently.

西汉年间,曾两度出使西域的是以下哪一位?During the Western Han Dynasty, who was twice sent on a diplomatic mission to the western territories?

这是我出使英国后第一次来到剑桥,但我对剑桥丝毫没有陌生感。This is my first visit to Cambridge as Chinese Ambassador to the UK. Yet Cambridge is no stranger to me.

除燕行使外,朝鲜还有一条通往日本江户的通信使路线,1764年元重举就曾以此身份出使日本。Besides the Beijing envoys, Korea also had Japan envoys. In 1764, Yuan Chong-Ju visited Japan as an envoy.

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除燕行使外,朝鲜还有一条通往日本江户的通信使路线,1764年元重举就曾以此身份出使日本。Besides the Beijing envoys, Korea also had Japan envoys. In 1764, Yuan Chong -Ju visited Japan as an envoy.

战败方必须出使战胜方,征求胜方同意,让他们可以,拣回本方死者的尸体进行安葬The losing side must come to the winning side and they must ask permission to pick up their dead and bury them.

我们祈以计量方法推导出使期望总相关成本最低之最适订购量、请购点、欠拨折扣及前置时间。The objective is to simultaneously optimize the order quantity, reorder point, back-order discount and lead time.

其中,栅驱动电路由双向移位寄存器、输出使能控制、电平移动电路和输出缓冲电路组成。The gate driver is composed of bi-directional shifter register, output controller, level shifter and output buffer.

在我的观点中,过去P4真题问题中一般有明确的给出使股价上升的方法。Past Paper P4 questions have, in my view, clearly indicated which method should be used to arrive at the share price.

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在这年龄之前,他们的脑内还没有发展出使交叉位置显得异常的因而困扰的映像。Before that age, their brains haven't developed the maps that make the crossed position seem unusual and, therefore, confusing.

斐洛还以这种“散居观”为基础进行了实践活动。这就是斐洛领导犹太使团出使罗马。Philo not only presented the theory of Diaspora but practised it , that is the Jewry's diplomatic mission to Rome led by Philo.

春秋时,晋国大臣阳处父出使卫国,回国途中在一个旅店过夜。In the Spring and Autumn Period , Yang Chufu the minister of Jin stayed in a hotel halfway back from a diplomatic mission to Wei.