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您可以在亚马逊上购得。You can buy it from Amazon.

我不必出卖灵魂来购得幸福。I need not sell my soul to buy bliss.

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他们购得了一处可终身拥有的房子。They bought the freehold of their house.

我在印度购得拉维·桑卡的自传。I bought the autobiography of Ravi Shankar in India.

我觉得这是我所购得的东西中最值得一个之一。I consider it to be one of the best purchases I’ve made.

在1993年通过苏士比拍卖行,由佩洛特基金购得。It was bought at Sotheby's by the Perot Foundation in 1993.

以最高应价购得拍卖标的竞买人。A person who buys something, especially something expensive.

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真正高品质的费洛蒙,是不可能那么便宜可以购得的。For real pheromone, it is impossible to be obtained at so cheap price.

能否购得钢板?若可能,约何时发货,价格如何?。Steel plate purchasable if so purchase price and delivery time expect?

石灰水可从药店购得,不过在家里配制也很容易。Lime water may be bought at any druggist's, or easily prepared at home.

许多少年从当地药贩或网上购得。Many teens find them readily available through local dealers or online.

据他估计,其中有一半是从国家武器库购得或盗出。Half of them, he reckons, had been bought or pilfered from state armories.

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虽然现在它还不能以合理的价格购得,但是两年后将可以。It is not available at a reasonable price yet, but in two years it will be.

该药物可以在药房、诊所和计划生育单位购得。It's available at drugstores, as well as health clinics and Planned Parenthood.

中国的投资者并不允许购得台湾金融公司的控制权。Chinese investors aren’t allowed to purchase control of Taiwanese financial companies.

“伊豆”由米尔特鸽舍在弗瑞迪凡德布兰迪的清仓甩卖中购得。"Edou" was purchased by Myrtle Lofts from Freddy Vandenbrande's Entire Clearance Sale.

他认为现在是一低于市场的价格购得美国未来的最好时机。Now is a great time to "buy a slice of America's future at a marked-down price", he said.

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它既不能从商人那儿购得,更无法用黄金称出其重量!It may not be purchased of the merchants, nor can it be weighed out in the balance for gold!

2004年何超琼从澳门博彩控股有限公司购得了经营博彩业的许可。Ho controls his casino operation SJM Holdings. She acquired her casino license from SJM in 2004.

第三十八条买受人是指以最高应价购得拍卖标的的竞买人。Article 38 A buyer means a bidder who purchases an auction target with the highest bidding price.