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这家餐厅的斜对面是一家美容院。The station is almost opposite the school.

瑞哈娜在远一点的一家美容院打工。Rehana works at a beauty parlour down the road.

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酒店的温泉浴场内设有一个美容院、桑拿、按摩浴缸。Guests can get a relaxing massage at the Dewi Kunti Spa.

去美容院点痔会不会留疤?Go to beauty parlour nodding naevus to you can leave scar?

我喜欢去美容院,因为他们实在是对我很好。I love going to the beauty salon because they really pamper me.

美容院每个月第二个星期二休业。The beauty salon is closed on the second Tuesday of every month.

求新求变是目前美容院的发展方向。Innovation and change is the development direction of beauty salons.

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妻子陈美惠则是一间美容院的老板,担任在外工作养家。Wife ChenMeiHui is a boss of beauty salon, as work outside for the family.

由女性经营的杂货店和美容院中也会有该机器出售。It will be distributed, too, in women-run grocery stores and beauty parlours.

令肌肤恢复光泽,每周可以到美容院或自行按摩一次。Restore luster to the skin, the beauty parlor every week or self-massage time.

我有去过红灯区的经历,安琪美容院是留在我记忆最深的地方。I have experience in red-light district. Angel Beauty Parlor impressed my most.

我参加了街道居民聚会、教会成员聚会,我还去了美容院和理发馆,拜访那里的顾客们。I went to block club meetings and church socials, beauty shops and barbershops.

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我女友每次从美容院回来,我都会称赞她的头发。Whenever my girlfriend comes back from the salon, I always compliment her hair.

那么,今天开幕式的现场我们也很高兴的请来了“星源”丽人坊美容院的院长…Today, we are so glad to have the director of the Star Source Beauty Salon, Ms. XXX.

白人被一些部门如面包记和美容院完全排除在外。Whites are barred altogether from some sectors, including bakeries and beauty parlours.

查找萨加莫尔海滩美容院,水疗,美容服务,保健和个人护理服务。Find Sagamore Beach salon, spa, and health services, beauty, personal care and services.

美容院老闆们发现了一种鱼的全新用途,因此,鱼足疗在2008年盛行一时。Salon owners found a whole new use for fish, making a splash with fish pedicures in 2008.

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美容院老板们发现了一种鱼的全新用途,因此,鱼足疗在2010年盛行一时。Salon owners found a whole new use for fish, making a splash with fish pedicures in 2010.

坐在副驾驶位上的是他的妻子,王燕芬。28岁的王燕芬是当地一家高级美容院的经理。Along for the ride is his wife, Wang Yanfeng, 28, manager of a high-end local beauty salon.

很多兽医,学院,美容院和专业培训都提供宠物急救护理课程。Many vets, colleges and grooming and training professionals offer courses in pet first aid.