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我成了他罪恶勾当的工具。I became the tool of his wicked deeds.

但她并没和他们调情或做其他勾当。But she doesn't flirt back or anything.

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他们假公济私的勾当全被报纸揭了出来。Their jobs were all exposed by the press.

她替他干卑鄙的勾当,贬低了自己的人格。She demeans herself by doing his dirty work.

一个风行的草药与雌激素样的勾当。A popular herbal with estrogen-like activity.

他们有太多干人的勾当。A. They get so much practice screwing people.

弗洛拉·曼胡德从未介入过任何秘密勾当。Flora Manhood had never taken part in a mystery.

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我已经洗手不干那种肮脏的勾当了。I've washed my hands of the whole sordid business.

这家购物商场正进行清仓大拍卖勾当。This shopping mall is having a big clearance sale.

披头散发,就这样。明天我们将有何勾当?With my hair down, so. What shall we do to-morrow?

我已经彻底洗手不干所有的肮脏的勾当了。I have washed my hands of the whole sordid business.

这个世界也用不着戏剧去表演偷鸡摸狗的勾当了。The world doesn’t need another drama about adultery.

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上面的人尽管换来换去,但非法勾当从未停息。The names at the top change, but the rackets never do.

从事走私勾当是非法行为。To go upon a smuggling expedition is an act of barratry.

他用生意活动作掩护干着犯罪的勾当。He was using his business activity as a screen for crime.

这个女孩已经发现了工厂里的勾当。The girl had found out about the goings-on in the factory.

他用生意活动作掩护干着犯罪的勾当。He was using his business activities as a screen for crime.

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凡是有道德的人都不会干这种引水祸邻的勾当。This is something all noble-minded persons are above doing.

近来,勃卜在输掉所有的钱后开始干起犯罪的勾当。Recently, Bob turned to crime after losing all of his money.

这个警察收贿,做一些无耻的勾当。The politician committed some shady acts by receiving bribes.