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高温裂解气的生成造成甲烷碳同位素变重的假象。Cracked gas in high-temperature causes methane carbon isotope to heavy.

计算表明,热解气可以作为轮胎热解的热源。It shows that gas will provide enough energy to the degradation of tire.

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油藏原油的裂解气是形成天然气气藏的重要气源。The cracking gas of reservoir oil is an important source of natural gas.

塔东地区原油裂解气勘探潜力颇大。There was a large potential of the crude oil cracking gas in eastern Tarim.

由此可见,人在生气或是压抑的时候,是非常需要解气解压来发泄自己的情绪的。As can be seen, people need to vent their feelings when you are upset or inhibited.

天然气既可来源于干酪根的裂解气,也可来源于原油的裂解气。Natural gas is not only originated from kerogen cracking, but also from oil cracking.

本文简要介绍了干酪根热解气相色谱的方法和操作条件。In this paper, the method and operation of the Py-GC for kerogens are introduced first.

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盆地的气源以液态烃的裂解气为主。Natural gas in these basins is primarily thermal cracking gas from liquid hydrocarbons.

热载体初始温度对热解气组成影响显著。The initial temperature of solid heat carrier has great influence on the gas composition.

残渣与父本煤相比有更高的转化率、焦油收率和热解气体积收率,而热解水收率较低。Residue has higher conversion, tar, gas volume yield and less water yield than parent coal.

本文介绍了裂解气相色谱法鉴别中国生漆中的掺假物。Determination of adulterants in Chinese lacquer by pyrolysis gas chromatography is reported.

研究发现,原油和沥青质裂解气各组分及焦沥青的产率变化类似。The yields of gaseous hydrocarbon had the analogy change trend with the yields of pyrobitumen.

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采用混凝电解气浮-吸附过滤法处理洗染废水。Washing and dying wastewater treatment with coagulation-electrofloatation-adsorption was studied.

孔雀河地区油气源主要为早期古油藏裂解气。The hydrocarbon source mainly came from the early paleo-oil pools pyrolysis gas in the Kongquehe area.

但是职业专家提醒一时的解气要承受长期的后果,这是很不值的。But workplace experts caution that a few moments of satisfaction aren't worth the long-term ramifications.

简要叙述了湿法脱硫OMC工艺在重油裂解气过程中的工艺参数的确定,同时比较了相对于改良A。The author presents briefly the definition of parameters in OMC process, by comparing with the improved A.

乙烯装置裂解气在碱洗过程中会生成聚合物,与空气接触后易形成黄色粘稠态物质,通常称为黄油。A polymers are formed during caustic scrubbing cracked gas in ethylene plant, which is generally called grease.

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另外通过固定床和气相色谱仪研究了四类生物质的热解气相产物析出规律。In addition, the emitted gas component from biomass pyrolysis is analyzed by gas chromatograph and tube furnace.

文中通过加水热模拟实验,对海相页岩和泥灰岩热解气特征进行了系统的对比、研究。In this paper, the authors discussed the gas generating characteristics of marine shale and marl by hydropyrolysis.

认为柯克亚地区天然气主要为原油裂解气,原油裂解作用是该区天然气的主要成因之一。All these result shows that oil cracking is very important process for the generation of natural gas in this region.