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关键在哪里?The key?

这是问题的关键。That's the key.

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确定关键链。Identify key chain.

我认为这也很关键。I think this is key.

作出关键的权衡。Make key trade-offs.

这是一个关键点。This is a key point.

关键之处在于多样性。Variety is key here.

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这是关键。And that's the point.

关键时刻就是现在!Kairos moment is now!

这是关键之处。That is a key factor.

这是一个关键的习惯。This is the key habit.

所以关键就在这里Here is the main point.

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我们的电子服务才是关键。Our e-services are key.

关键是要去适应。Congeniality is the key.

我认为那是最关键的。I think that's critical.

关键信息的擅离职守。Key information is AWOL.

我灵机一动,想到了问题关键That told me the answer.

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我想这点就是关键。This I think is the key.

我把关键点忘了了。I gave away my punchline.

因此,适度调整是关键。So moderation is the key.