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但金里奇并未因此罢手。But Gingrich didn’t stop there.

试验不成功,我们决不罢手。Eg. We will never stop until the experiment succeeds.

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因为她不得到自己想要的东西是不会罢手的。Eg. She'd never have stopped tiII she got what she wanted.

不过既然大老远跑来,绝不会此刻罢手。But she had come this far, she wasn't going to back out now.

三场比赛,一球未失,打进14球,并且毫无罢手之意。Three games, three clean sheets, 14 goals, and no hint of weakness.

但是斯珀里奇和我对这个计划太热心了,不甘心不作一番斗争就罢手。But Sperlich and I were too hot on this project to give it up without a fight.

制裁可能并不会让一直追求“核大国”梦想的伊朗真正罢手。Sanctions may not end Iran’s longstanding attempt to attain nuclear proficiency.

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立言为佩嘉决定不接受董先生的行贿,但董先生却不肯罢手。Liyan decides not to accept the bribe by Mr Tong but Mr Tong is unwilling to let the matter go.

没事她还跟“较年轻”的老人掰腕子,到对方认输才罢手,像小孩一样调皮!She even plays with some younger old-ones until the other give up. She is so funny like a child.

除非他得到那些能赋予他不可思议能力和力量的迷你金刚,否这他是不会罢手的。He will not stop until he has the MINI-CONS because they will give him unimaginable abilities and power.

高个子金发青年退了一步,准备走开,但那两位好奇的姑娘哪肯罢手。The tall young man made as if to retire, but the two inquiring damsels were not inclined to let him go so soon.

卡斯特雷萨纳对我说,“这就像狼闻到了血腥味,不毁掉这个委员会,他们是不会罢手的。”Castresana told me, “The wolves have smelled blood, and they will not stop until they get the commission destroyed.”

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如果美联储的罢手时间早于预期,则有可能撼动住房抵押贷款市场,并使楼市复苏成为泡影。If the Fed stops sooner than expected, it could jolt the mortgage market and short-circuit a housing recovery. Barclays's Mr.

球场上易建联并没有表现得局促不安。相反,看起来他倒渴望有所表现,就像一个孩子,对自己的一举一动都很在意,尽量做好,直到任务完成才罢手。Yi Jianlian didn't squirm, but looked as if he was aching to, like a child trying to mind his manners until the service is over.

俺得承认俺有些固执,一旦认准了一件事就很难回头,认准了一个人就更难回头,唯有碰得遍体鳞伤才会罢手。I must admit I have some stubborn, once thought a thing to assign a person back, back, but harder to touch black and blue will stop.

腓尼基王子,他杀死了一条龙,并将龙的牙齿撒在地上变成一队人马。这队人马相互较量直到只剩下五个人才罢手。Cadmus was a phoenician prince who killed a dragon and sowed its teeth, from which sprang up an army of men who fought one another until only five survived.

尽管遭受北约军队攻击两周多,穆阿迈尔•卡扎菲上校仍在大规模地杀戮同胞,至今毫无罢手迹象。After more than two weeks under attack by NATO forces, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi is still slaughtering his people and showing no sign that he plans to give up.

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正当警方不知所措之际,凶手奇迹般的自首了,此时凶手的“七宗罪”还差两宗,难道他会就此罢手?Police at a loss due, the killer turned himself in the miraculous, and this time the perpetrators of the seven sins is still two, I wonder if he will stop there?

正当警方不知所措之际,凶手奇迹般的自首了,此时凶手的“七宗罪”还差两宗,难道他会就此罢手?Police at a loss due, the killer turned himself in the miraculous, and this time the perpetrators of the "seven sins" is still two, I wonder if he will stop there?

我不觉得他会致力于让的哥罢手,他甚至不会有那么一闪念的让警察们发现他们想破脑袋要找的凶手就在当场的意思。I don't think he was particularly interested in stopping him and it didn't even cross his mind to let the police know that the man they were looking for was outside.