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她丝毫没有一点退缩躲让。She does not flinch.

但你丝毫未觉恐惧。But you're not afraid.

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没有丝毫下雨的迹象。No sign of rain at all.

她没给我留下丝毫印象。She did not impress me at all.

我丝毫不懂加略山的爱!I know nothing of Calvary love!

这么说,并无丝毫种族言论。This saying is not a racialism.

她丝毫没有失去那份天真烂漫。She has lost none of her naivety.

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我丝毫不想使您悲伤。I do not want to sadden you again.

雨果先生丝毫没有起疑心。Mr. Hugo wasn’t suspicious at all.

她丝毫不想与别人分享他。She had no intention of sharing him.

当然,他对她丝毫没有什么不满。Certainly, he had nothing against her.

那丝毫也没有减损他的功绩。That subtracts nothing from his merit.

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对许多人来说,可能丝毫没有帮助。On many people, it may not help at all.

这种势头丝毫没有显示衰减的迹象。This dynamism shows no signs of waning.

杰克逊先生看来丝毫不在意野蜂的叮刺。He seemed to have no objection to stings.

他的行为与疯狂丝毫不差。His conduct was nothing short of madness.

他的歌声嘹亮圆润,丝毫没有矫揉造作之感。In 1, his song and mellow, no affectation.

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那里的爱意和亲切感丝毫没有改变。There it was, that same love and kindness.

一个信徒不该有丝毫挂虑。No anxiety ought to be found in a believer.

她对于生活和艺术的评价没有丝毫价值。She made jejune remarks about life and art.