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我需要买一件潜水衣。I need to buy a wetsuit.

钓鱼裤,潜水衣,护膝护腕。Fishing Pants, Diving Clothes, Kneepads.

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他换上另一件潜水衣又下水了。He changed into another diving suit and went down.

在平静的日子演员将穿上潜水衣和游泳。On calm days the actor will don a wetsuit and go swimming.

喜欢找刺激的年轻人们穿着湿漉漉的潜水衣正准备到底格里斯河上骑摩托艇。Young thrill seekers don wet suits and get ready to jet ski on the Tigris River.

我和妈妈买了票,穿上了厚厚的蓝色潜水衣,黑色的套鞋似的潜水鞋。I and mom bought a ticket, put on thick blue dive garment, dive like black galosh shoe.

这件潜水衣的面料采用了仿生原理,像鲨鱼皮似的结实好用。The material of this diving suit adopts bionic principles so it is as firm as sharkskin.

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“我的潜水衣太紧了,”大美说,“消耗了我肩膀的能量。”"My wetsuit was too tight, " says Jenson, "which really sapped the energy from my shoulders.

身着潜水衣,他们借船的灯照亮,走进这魔幻的世界。Dressed in diving suits, they walk around in the magic world, lighted by the lamps of the ship.

他们穿着潜水衣,在船上灯的照射下在这个魔幻世界中四处走动。Dressed in diving suits, they walk around in this magic world, lighted by the lamps of the ship.

接着他又发现他的橡胶潜水衣的接缝撕开了,于是他又用熨斗灼烧接口,使接口复合。He found that a seam in his rubber diving suit was torn, so he seared it closed with a hot iron.

借助于面具、空气罐和潜水衣,人们能自由自在地在深水中和鱼儿一起邀游。With face masks, air tanks and diving suits men can dive into deep water and be at home with the fish.

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王先生兴奋极了,他将打造一条全新的爱河,他赶紧跑到码头,穿上潜水衣。Mr Wang was excited. He would give the river a brand new start. He rushed to the river dock and put on a wetsuit.

随后他父亲的潜水衣碎片被发现,而后通过空中搜索发现,一头五米长的大白鲨活动在这一区域。His father's shredded wetsuit was found later, and aerial searches spotted a five-metre great white shark swimming in the area.

这个身材瘦长的24岁水族馆技师套上他的潜水衣走向离住所两英里的州码头海滩。The lanky 24-year-old aquarium technician zipped into his wet suit and headed to Marina State Beach, two miles from his apartment.

奥莉薇再也无法保持理性。她把身上的潜水衣随手一脱,「真是气死我了!你看,我也是很有本钱的!」Olivia can't keep calm anymore. she takes off the diving suit right away. "Oh my god I am so pissed off! See? I've got everything too! ""

因此他们总会穿上他们的潜水衣,尽管他们很乐意冲小浪,但他们总是在寻找大浪!Hence they are usually wearing their wetsuit and although they are happy to surf on the small waves, they are always looking for the big wave!

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使用于运动鞋,加州鞋中底之缝合,工作手套、中厚皮、潜水衣、娃娃鞋。Insoling machine for California style athletic shoes. Also suitable for sewing working gloves, furs of medium thickness, diving suits, and children's shoes.

菲尔普斯和斯博弗斯之前穿的都是Speedo的LZR泳衣,现已被阿迪达斯、Arena和其它厂商制作的新一代潜水衣式泳衣所超越。Both Phelps and Spofforth were wearing Speedo LZR suits, which are being superceded by the new generation of wetsuit-style costumes made by adidas, Arena and others.

我有一个梦想学习斯库巴潜水的朋友,但她决不潜水,甚至拒绝尝试。因为她担心穿着湿漉漉的紧身潜水衣会很难看。真可惜!I have a friend who dreams of learning to scuba dive, but refuses to even try, because she worries about how she would look swaddled in tight rubber wet suit. What a pity!