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不要这样讲话,否则会惹事生非的。Don't speak in such a manner, or you'll get into trouble.

校方希望摆脱这个惹事生非的孩子。The school wishes to BE disembarrassed of the troublesome boy.

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你们能答应我保证不惹事生非、照我的话去做吗?Will you promise not to try any nonsense and do what I tell you?

林先生的童年是在虚混时光及惹事生非中度过的。Mr. Lin's childhood was spent fooling around and getting into scrapes.

如果定要和大的机构打交道,把握好分寸,不要惹事生非。If you have to deal with large institutions, be careful not to make waves.

我哥哥在少年时经常惹事生非,但他打结解结是把好手。My brother, quite a troublemaker as a juvenile, can tie and untie any knot.

我们吃午饭,玩游戏,做功课,离那些惹事生非的同学远远的。Away from the schoolyard bullies, we ate our lunch, played games and did our homework.

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在泥地里踢足球,惹事生非,我们做过的所有蠢事。You know, playing football in the dirt, getting in trouble, all the stupid things we did.

这个孩子真是让人伤脑筋,不好好读书,到处惹事生非!This kid is really bothersome , he fritters away time on stirring up trouble instead of studying!

一年过去了,温赖特坚持练拳击,规规矩矩地上学尽量不去惹事生非。A year went by during which wainwright continued boxing, stayed in school, and managed to keep out of trouble.

一年之中,温赖特坚持练拳击,规规矩矩地上学尽量不去惹事生非。A year went by during which Wainwright continued boxing , stayed in school, and managed to keep out of trouble.

对罗杰别担乔治。他们两年前大吵了一架。我的意思是切莫惹事生非。Don't mention George's name to Roger. They had a very bad row two years ago. Let sleeping dogs lie , if you follow me.

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当儿童假装进行暴力活动的时候,也许正是在合法的场景中排遣做坏事的心理,从而避免在日后的生活中惹事生非。When Children pretend to be violent, they may be playing out evil in the lawful setting, preventing trouble in later life.

至少神权政治的中国不干涉他国内政,也不到处惹事生非。Better go with theocracy China who does not interfere with other countries' internal affairs and create problems elsewhere and at Home.

在那里他和继父Lolo养过海龟、一只猴子,甚至还有一只小鳄鱼——一次被年轻的Berry放在那里吓退了几个惹事生非的当地男孩。There he and Lolo kept turtles, a monkey and even a baby crocodile — once deployed by the young Berry to scare off some local boys who were causing trouble.

几个月之间,他苦恼了爱尔兰人,触怒了无家可归者,污辱了黑人――甚至故意得罪了从不惹事生非的荷兰人。In a matter of months, he infuriated the Irish, outraged the homeless, insulted the blacks―and even managed to ruffle the feathers of the peace-loving Dutch.

这二人虽出身于萨勒姆一家身世显赫的家族,但声名狼藉,法院记录显示,理查德是萨勒姆出了名的“惹事生非者”。The Crowninshield brothers were the disreputable scions of an eminent Salem family. Richard, according to court transcripts, was known to favor Salem’s “haunts of vice.”

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不过还是少惹事生非的好,还不知道那男生会怎么报复我呢,毕竟当全班同学的面让他丢了面子。However is still little meddlesome of also don't know does that boy how to make reprisals me so many and at the end of the day be noodles of classmate to make him throw a face.