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偶尔一个人吃饭,安安静静地、专心地吃饭。Eat some meals alone, in silence.

你干嘛不安安静静地坐着看?Why don't you just sit and watch?

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全班安安静静—没有人说话。The whole class was quiet -no one spoke.

那个安安静静的人是个黑社会老大哥。That quiet man was an underworld king-pin.

没有磕磕碰碰的牵,只有安安静静的陪。No bumps of the pull, only quiet accompany.

他很有魅力也很难对付,不会安安静静的走人。He is charismatic and quite difficult and will not go quietly.

有一天,白猫躺在猫的身边,安安静静的,一动不动了。One day, the white cat quietly stopped moving next to the cat.

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班里只有我和老师两个人,教师里安安静静得。The class only and I am a teacher two people, teachers, Ann quietly.

也许,她只是想找个地方安安静静地下蛋吧。Or maybe she was simply looking for a place to lay her eggs in peace.

他们为什么就不能安安静静的,让鲍勃能够专心的开车。Why couldn't they just keep quiet and let him con- centrate on driving?

周末时雨变得小多了,安安静静的,所以我睡得很好。The rain stayed soft over the weekend, quiet, so I was able to sleep well.

于是他现在跟太太还有两个孩子在小城里安安静静地、舒舒服服地过日子。Now he's happier living a quiet life in a small town with his wife and two kids.

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忘掉颤抖的冷酷,砍断所有的束缚,只想就这样安安静静的结束。Forget the trembling of cold, cut off all the fetter, just want to that end quietly.

十来个“红马甲”聚集在大厅一个角落,头枕在桌上安安静静地打瞌睡。Clustered in one corner are a dozen clerks, heads resting on desks, dozing peacefully.

她宁可跟约瑟夫在厨房里拌嘴,也不愿意独自一人安安静静地坐着。She preferred quarreling with Joseph in the kitchen to sitting at peace in her solitude.

我只希望自己粗短的双腿能取悦这个星球新的主宰者们,好让我也能安安静静地吃着草。I only hope my own stumpy legs charm our new overlords into letting me graze in peace too.

我暗自庆幸,能够躲过电视播音员的华丽说词安安静静地度过哥伦比亚日。I smiled to think that I had quietly spent the day unscathed by the heroics of newscasters.

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“老老实实安安静静的坐好”,是在学校里的金科玉律,也是那些难以顺从的孩子的痛苦。"Sit still and be quiet, " is the rule of the day and woe to the kid who was unable to conform.

抵达这一源泉,听从内心的声音,我们必须要慢下来,安安静静的,遵循内心引导。To access this source and to hear its messages, we must slow down, quiet our minds and go within.

一个人,我能够安安静静地独自穿越大大小小的城镇,就像穿着牛仔裤的马可波罗一般低调。Alone and silent, I could stroll through provincial towns with a low profile, Marco Polo in jeans.