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对他像对我一样,因为他会保护你不背部受敌。Treat him as u would me, and he guard ur back for u.

与后者不同,他没有四面受敌的心态,也不需要蜷缩在柏林墙背后。Unlike them, he had no siege mentality, and needed no Berlin Wall to huddle behind.

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为此,她必须渗入宫殿受敌各派4忍者动物。For this she must infiltrate the palace is protected by 4 enemy factions ninja animals.

这一点刺痛了他的心,而且加深了他那种已经很强烈的,认为自己四面受敌的倾向。This rankled and compounded his already strong tendency to see himself beset by enemies.

这名四面受敌的总统星期二还说,他只有在人民要求他离职时才会离职。The embattled president said Tuesday he will only leave his position at the will of the people.

目前书刊制卡和会员卡制作正处在一个四面受敌的状态中。There are currently collers business card printing and membership card is making all of the State.

罗马四面受敌,只得调遣军队来保卫帝国仅存的部分。Being attacked on all sides, Rome had to call back her armies to protect what was left of the empire.

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他们的自由主义是一种四面受敌的自由主义,这种自由主义让他们在去年的选举中付出了沉重的代价。Theirs was a besieged version of liberalism, for which a heavy price was paid at the ballot box last year.

骄傲自豪却又四面受敌的萨马兰奇坐在巴塞罗那的办公室里,他的嘴唇轻微发抖。A proud man, an embattled man, Mr. Samaranch was seated in his Barcelona office, his lips trembled slightly.

这一点刺痛了他的心,而且加深了他那种已经很强烈的,认为自己四面受敌的倾向。Though I had not started with a strong preference, I did not think Nixon could afford to retreat on the issue.

在曾梵志同期的象徵性作品中充斥著险象环生,四面受敌的场景。In Zeng's figurative works from this same period, his canvases are dense with an insurmountable and hostile landscape.

何塞·穆里尼奥的队伍总是四面受敌,皇马除了与他们的加泰罗尼亚对手奋战到底之外并无更多选择。With the siege mentality that is so indicative of a José Mourinho outfit, Real can do little else but take the fight to their Catalan rivals.

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北约打击卡扎菲部队的动作是又一次小型但不断增加的迹象,显示四面受敌的利比亚领导人卡扎菲的地盘在逐渐受到侵蚀。The NATO attacks against Gadhafi forces were another small, but incremental sign the embattled Libyan leader's position is slowly being eroded.

演练模拟海沧区预先知道将受敌空袭,海沧区民防指挥所下令拉响防空袭预先警报。Simulation exercises Haicang District know in advance will be subject to enemy air raids, Haicang District Civil Defense command center ordered the sounding of air defense early warning.