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你是那么活力充沛!You feel Alive!

我感觉自己体力充沛。And I have lots of energy.

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他朗诵自己的诗感情充沛。He reads his poems very expressively.

我们的新经理精力十分充沛。Our new manager is, brimful of 'energy.

精力过于充沛的青少年。Teenagers with an overabundance of energy.

把染发剂和显影剂混合,充沛摇动使之平均。Mix the colorant with the developer and shake.

景甜是个精力足够充沛的女指挥官。Tian Jing is a feisty enough female commander.

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监狱生活充沛了一段又一段的例行公务。Prison life consists of routine. after that mort routine.

如此一来,我将有如再生般的充沛活力,去面对下一星期的工作量。I feel revived and energetic for another week's work-load.

你能够从一天的开始就感到活力充沛。You can be excited about your day right from the beginning.

十七号,你的精力和灵感比往常更充沛。On the 17th, your levels of energy and inspiration are higher.

监狱生活充沛了一段又一段的例行公务。Prison life consists of routine, which usufriend mort routine.

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她是一个经历充沛的人,决心要在这个世界上留下一个印记。She’s a dynamo that’s determined to leave a mark on the world.

他对事物的实际掌握和他充沛的精力实在使我惊异。His practical grasp of affairs and his energy still astound me.

白天小睡后感觉精神更饱满一些,所以在白天我也会觉得更充沛一些。Overall I feel more energy and alertness during daylight hours.

在整个赛期你能保持这样充沛的精力吗?。Can you sustain this amount of energy throughout the tournament?

手掌厚实有弹性,说明你活力充沛。Having a thick and flexible hand means you have a lot of energy.

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父母需应指点儿童充沛品味每粒小熊软糖,不要间接吞咽。Instruct child to chew each gummy fish carefully and thoroughly.

他激情充沛而又柔情似水,充满控制欲而又爱诋毁他人。He was passionate and affectionate, manipulative and denigrating.

直到今天,这种充沛的活力一直在驱动着徐婷。He never had to pay, and that energy continues to drive her today.