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并条机总牵伸倍数高。High total draft up to draw frame.

那商店出售高倍数远镜。The shop sells high-powered binoculars.

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你的牛以倍数增加,经济不断成长。Your herd multiplies and the economy grows.

倍数及标题的翻译。The translation of multiplications and titles.

标准地铁和宽轨地铁是该数字的倍数。Standard and Thick are multiples of this number.

交易金额为一个交易单位或其倍数。The trading amount must be a set or its multiple.

此图通常是用RDF三倍数表示的。This graph is typically expressed in RDF triples.

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我只是最终拒绝同孩子的倍数。I’d just end up rejecting multiples of the same kid.

调低倍数的另一个原因是现金比例有所上升。Another reason for the lower multiple is higher cash.

远程放大倍数达到100倍。Precision Telecentric lenses up to 100 magnifications.

用于计算目标价的估值倍数Valuation Multiples Used to Calculate the Target Price

用于证明所用估值倍数合理的假设Assumptions Used to Justify the Valuation Multiples Used

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“这将会产生一个很大的倍数效应”,比罗尔先生说。"There will be a big multiplier effect, " Mr Birol said.

难道他们不只是重新编号10的倍数的程序?Couldn't they just renumber the program in multiples of 10?

如今曼谷的出租车都打表计程,当地的惯例是把车费凑整到最近的五铣的倍数。Local custom is to round the fare up to the nearest five baht.

玛雅历法的大多数时间间隔以20为倍数。Most of the Maya calendar intervals accumulate as multiples of 20.

但需要提前在对比度和倍数上达成一致。But agree in advance what the comps are and what the multiples are.

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比如17除以7取余数,最接近17且比17小的7的倍数是14。For example, in 17 mod 7, the closest multiple of 7 below 17 is 14.

找出下一个非交叉的整数,并且交叉出它全部的倍数。Find the next uncrossed integer, and cross out all of its multiples.

尼索朗,长丰各稀释倍数效果明显最差。Hexythiazox and fenvalerate were the worst in every dilute multiple.