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比冷漠无情还坏!Oh! worse than cold-hearted!

但是石板是无情的。But stone flags are unforgiving.

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看来他开始变得无情了。It seemed that he began to sear.

成为自己无情的文字编辑。Be your own ruthless copy editor.

你曾听说那无情的尖钉Ye are told of nails that pinioned

火灾无情,警钟长鸣!Fire is ruthless, alarm bell rings!

“那无情的东西在作什么?”What is that apathetic being doing?

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无情的寒霜再加秋风的威力。Unpitying frosts, and Autumn's power.

她是一个多么冷漠无情的女人啊。What a cold, unfeeling woman she was.

可怜无情风雨过。Heartlessly rain beats and wind blows.

无情的人们大多是没有见识的。Most hard- boil people are half- baked.

大自然是无情的,但人是友好的。Nature is pitiless but man is friendly.

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你怎么可以这么无情!忘恩负义的家伙!How could you be so ungrateful! Ingrate!

有缘无情的要生出情来。Destined to give birth to little to harsh.

历史对于野蛮人是无情的。HISTORY has been unkind to the Barbarians.

你表现得像一个最无情的人!You came off as the most unfeeling person!

而爱,最后却让我们无情的相离。But love, finally let us inexorably onward.

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公开交易是个无情的反馈环。Open trades are a relentless feedback loop.

你的影子无情在身边徘徊。Your shadow lingers unfeelingly at my side.

泪顺着那无情的雨一起滴落。Tear down the relentless rain drops together.