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这是命令的假设语态。This is a jussive subjunctive.

更高层次的成分是语态Morphology is the next level up.

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也要用婉转的语态教训。Also want to euphemize voice lessons.

语音是声音,语态则是词Phonology is sounds. Morphology is words.

注意到他用的被动语态,注意那只命运之手。Note the passive voice. Also note the hand of fate.

我们应该用被动语态翻译这个句子。We should translate this sentence in passive voice.

甚至动词的语态也影响我们对具体或抽象的判断。Even a verb's tense can affect its perceived concreteness.

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动词主要作谓语,时态语态多变化。Predicate for the main verb, the more tense voice changes.

还有些在语音,语法和语态方面的其他问题It's also other aspects of phonology, syntax, and morphology.

有的介词却只能与状态被动语态搭配使用。Some prepositions can only collocate with the stative passive.

一词可与主动语态的动名语连用。The word"worth"can be construed with a gerund in active voice.

所有这些使人混淆不清的问题,都可以利用被动语态来加以避免。All these confusing questions can BE avoided by using the passive.

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一些表状态的及物动词不使用被动语态。Some transitive verbs denoting STATE cannot be used in the passive.

用主动语态和现在时态写下目标,并加上期限。Write your goals in the positive, present tense and add your deadline.

被动语态,以及伴随而至的语焉不详,结果是非常有用的。Passive voice, and its attendant obscurity, turn out to be very useful.

语态是从句的属性,不定式和动名词构成短语。Voice is a property of clauses, and infinitives and gerunds form phrases.

请用相同的动词把这些句子改写成被动语态的句子。Using the same verbs, please rewrite these sentences in the passive voice.

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为了避免罗嗦,要使用主动语态,而不要使用被动语态。To cut down in wordiness, use the active voice rather than the passive voice.

注意句子的主语,这里我们应该用被动语态来代替主动语态。Notice the subject. Here , we should use the Passive Voice instead of Active Voice.

在需要避免主动语态的非常正式的写作中都可以使用分离不定式。Split infinitives can be used even in very formal writing that avoids the active voice.