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迈开了烟花的新时代纪元?Taking a new era of era of fireworks.

而汉语应该继续迈开成长的步伐。Yet Mandarin ought to continue to grow.

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经济正向着复苏迈开他蹒跚的步伐。The economy is taking its first shaky steps toward recovery.

我看你迈开步伐看你威武之翼,身披盔甲,背起。Saw I your gait and saw I your sinewy limbs, clothed in blue, bearing.

现在我又要重新学习,潇洒地让过去的过去,迈开脚步往前走。Now I have to learn again to let bygones be bygones and stride forward.

再加上一个好的工具,迈开重构的第一步简直就是轻而易举。This, coupled with a good tool, makes first steps in refactoring a breeze.

外商风险投资在江西之路已迈开,但还需更大的努力。The way of foreign venture investment is open in Jiangxi, but needs more effects.

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弗农。德思礼又一次迈开步子走向大门,但是达力并没有跟上去。Again, Vernon Dursley marched as far as the front door, but Dudley did not follow.

亲爱的徒儿,从现在开始了解真主人,打开心胸,迈开步伐,让我们一起迎向未来。From now on realize the True Heart, my dear. Open the gate, go on the way together.

第一师团的士兵都筋疲力尽,难以迈开步伐。Soldiers of the 1st Division were so exhausted that they were hard even to walk. Gen.

苔丝迈开大步走了,她们能够听见她走在坚硬的路面上的脚步声。They heard her footsteps tap along the bard road as she stepped out to her full pace.

看到他转过脸,我立刻拼命地迈开我的两条腿,头也不回地朝着家奔去。When I saw him turning, I set my face towards home, and made the best use of my legs.

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我和朋友在一起玩耍,很团结。在这个游戏中,我们必须合作才能迈开步子共同前进。My friend and I play together in unity. In this game, we cooperate in order to advance.

菲力浦非常小心地迈开第一步,钢丝绳承受住了,现在他确信他可以走钢丝了。Philippe took his first step with great care. The wire held Now he was sure he could do it.

从此,中国人民迈开巨大的步伐,意气风发地走在社会主义大道上。Since then, the Chinese people taking a huge step, high-spirited to take the socialist road.

我看着自己左右脚依次迈开,不禁好奇他是怎样走出这个房间的。I watch my feet, one stepping in front of the other, and wonder what he'd give to walk out of here.

他迈开太空步迫使地板在脚底滑走,快速转动身体使得空间似乎不复存在。He was at war with the floor as it slid away in the Moonwalk, and with the air as he spun through it.

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苏联发射史波尼克人造卫星和尼尔。阿姆斯壮在月球上迈开“一小步”前后只过了十二年。Only 12 years elapsed between the launch of Sputnik and Neil Armstrong's "one small step" on the moon.

士兵们合着歌曲的拍节,挥动着手臂,迈开大步,不知不觉地走齐了脚步。The soldiers stepped out in time to the song, swinging their arms and unconsciously falling into step.

当第一棵麦苗成熟之时,也就说明,秋,已经迈开步子来了。When the first tree confusing wheat mature, also means that, in the autumn of already through activating.