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用瓷片拼成的,像一幅镶嵌画!Porcelain shards, like a mosaic!

这是一幅由草地,河流,树木组成的五光十色的镶嵌画。It's a rich mosaic of meadows, rivers and woods.

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我当时正在欣赏镶嵌画的精致做工。I was admiring the exquisite workmanship in the mosaic.

这段时间是拜占庭镶嵌画的盛期。During this time, the Byzantine mosaic entered its flourishing Period.

在城里新建的林荫道的主要入口处有一个巨大的镶嵌画。The new mall in town features a gaint mosaic over the main entrance way.

在城里新建的林荫道的主要入口处有一个巨*的镶嵌画。The new mall in town features a giant mosaic over the main entrance way.

第三章是关于帝国晚期镶嵌画的发展和流传情况。The third chapter is about the development and spread of late imperial mosaic.

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由于清真寺内禁止人物画像,许多镶嵌画被用灰浆覆盖。Human images are not welcome in mosques , and many of the mosaics were covered with plaster.

此时的镶嵌画艺术开始摆脱严格的规制束缚,在形式和内容上都出现了人文主义的倾向。The mosaic at this time revitalized again, both in form and content appearing the tendency of humanism.

本文主要论述拜占庭时期镶嵌画的发展、变迁以及其背后的社会历史。This paper discusses the development and changes of Byzantine mosaic, and the social history behind it.

轰然间,犹如一声霹雳,他仿佛看见自己正在创作一幅由成百上千张风景明信片组成的巨大的镶嵌画。Like a thunderclap, he envisioned himself creating his own giant mosaic made from hundreds of picture postcards.

在这幅镶嵌画中,斯特拉提将闪闪发亮的大头钉做成达芬奇流畅的灰色胡须,较小的黑色钉子用在人物眼睛和下巴下方制造出阴影状,3排黄色钉子为这幅肖像加上了外框。Smaller black tapestry nails created shadow below his eyes and chin. Three rows of yellow nails framed the portrait.

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近年来,人们对圣索菲亚大寺进行了复原工作,一些被灰浆掩盖的镶嵌画得以重见天日。In recent years some restoration work has been done on the Hagia Sophia, and a few of the mosaics have been uncovered.

由于结合剂的改变,绘画经历了从蜡画、镶嵌画、干壁画、湿壁画、坦培拉绘画到油画的历史变迁。Owing to the changes of mediums, paintings change from encaustic , mosaic, secco, fresco, and tempera to oil painting.

建筑的内墙上满是由彩色大理石和玻璃镶嵌画描述的圣经中的场景与基督教圣人的形象。The interior was sheathed in colored marble and golden mosaics depicting biblical scenes and images of Christian saints.

2009年模型还具有新的12英寸重型抛光铝轮辋与黑色镶嵌画,使它超级作风。The 2009 model also features new 12-inch heavy duty polished aluminium rims with painted black inlay, giving it super style.

古希腊罗马地区和古代东方地区各自的镶嵌画传统为拜占庭镶嵌画的产生提供了肥沃的土壤。The traditions in the region of ancient Greece and ancient Rome and the eastern areas provided Byzantine mosaic fertile soil.

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正如日常世界中人们的生活相互穿插交织如网,特罗洛普小说仿佛是由不同场面和不同人物组成的一幅丰富多彩的镶嵌画面。Trollope's novels are like a mosaic of colourful scenes and characters, just as in the everyday world people's lives weave in and out of each other.

这幅镶嵌画被悬挂在阿尔巴尼亚首都地拉那市金字塔形状的文化中心主厅里,那儿曾矗立着阿尔巴尼亚已故领导人恩维尔·霍查的宏伟雕塑。The mosaic stood in the main hall of Tirana‘s pyramid-shaped culture center, exactly where a larger-than-life sculpture of the late Albanian dictator Enver Hoxha used to stand.

传统的玻璃镶嵌画基本都以单线平涂的手法处理画面,轮廓线便是镶嵌玻璃的铅条。Generally speaking, the traditional glass-mosaic producers paint the tableaux with a monochromatic pattern. The alloyed threads made of lead and tin that are used to inlay glass serve as the contours.