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奔赴菇类农场。Proceed to Mushroom Farm.

他命令我们奔赴前线。He ordered su to the front.

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他们命令他奔赴前线。They ordered him to the front.

他们急速调派了更多的部队奔赴前线。They rushed more troops to the front.

他们打定主意立即奔赴前线。They were set on leaving for the front right away.

为了奔赴征程,我们剩余的时间已经不多。And we don't have much time left to make that journey.

两个月后,他们喜结良缘,随后父亲便奔赴战场。Two months later, they were married and he was off to war.

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敏感的心,渴望奔赴,千里之外,你的胸膛。A palpating heart, covers many miles for your fervent breast.

然后恍然大悟。你早已离开我奔赴到另一个怀抱。Then suddenly enlighted. You had left me to another to embrace.

两个月后,他们喜结良缘,随后父亲便奔赴战场。Two months later, they got married, and then, my father went to war.

“从那一刻起,我就下定决心要奔赴海地。”现年38岁的陈岩表示。I have been determined to go there ever since then, said the 38-year-old.

为什么德国军舰开赴所罗门群岛,德国军队奔赴斯威士兰?Why German warships in the Solomon Islands and German troops in Swaziland?

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“从那一刻起,我就下定决心要奔赴海地。”现年38岁的陈岩表示。"I have been determined to go there ever since then," said the 38-year-old.

每周四德国人沿运河边的小路上来,跟着导游,就像奔赴战场一样。Every Thursday Germans come up the towpath, marching as to war, with a Leader.

国务院副总理回良玉带领一个专家组奔赴灾区。Vice Premier Hui Liangyu rushed to the site with a team of experts and officials.

于是两个奔赴克利夫兰诊所,后来发现没什么问题,虚惊一场。The two rushed to the Cleveland Clinic, where they found out it was a false alarm.

之后,他奔赴JFK机场,去赶当天晚上法国航空公司开往巴黎的23号航班。From there, hewent to JFK airport to catch Air France Flight 23 overnight to Paris.

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今天开始于一个叫早电话,然后我便奔赴机场。The day started when I received an early wake-up call and headed over to the airport.

我到达一个新的小镇,搬进一个新家,而不久我又梦到自己正在打包准备奔赴下一个地方。Shortly after moving into my new house and town, I dreamt I was packing to move again.

曼城将会再次奔赴北美作为新赛季的赛前集训。Manchester City will once again visit North America for their pre-season training camp.