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对于伪善行为我们已经见怪不怪了。We had become accustomed to the hypocrisy.

在他们的一生他们已见怪不怪。They have seen enough of those in one lifetime.

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我们已见怪不怪,以撒旦的邪恶计划。We have become desensitized to Satan's evil plans.

现在,正如委员会主席汤姆哈金提到的一样,我们已经对它见怪不怪了。Now, as subcommittee chairman Tom Harkin noted, we take them for granted.

曾晶对于外号已经见怪不怪了。最令她记忆犹新的一个外号是“泰坦尼克号”。Nicknames were common for Zeng. "Titanic" was one she remembers most clearly.

“耐克”推出酷眩鞋款早已教人见怪不怪,但该公司最新的密技乃是社交网络。You expect fancy footwear from Nike. But its latest masterstroke is social networking.

在最近的几十年间,中美关系经历定期的动荡已经是见怪不怪了。It has been ‘normal’ in recent decades for China-US relations to experience regular turbulence.

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让人见怪不怪的是,有两位女富豪都和零售业巨头沃尔玛有关系。It may come as no surprise that the two richest women in America have ties to retail juggernaut Wal-Mart.

见怪不怪,这正是过去百年来,富裕国家对发展中国家所作的。No surprise there. It is exactly what rich countries have done to the developing world for the past century.

我们对于工资名单上数量渐多的制图员,设计员,技术人员和科学家也应该见怪不怪了。We might not wonder to see more draughtsmen on the pay-roll, more designers, more technicians and scientists.

利比亚人民早就对这种荒唐事见怪不怪,但是他们轻信的毛病最近又重新抬头。Libyans have had a long time to grow used to such ironies , but their credulity has lately been stretched anew.

在加拉加斯,黑帮团伙绑架杀人成了家常便饭,而在卡拉奇,基地恐怖分子到处出没见怪不怪。In Caracas, gang murders and kidnappings are a fact of life, and al Qaeda terrorists hide in plain sight in Karachi.

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实际上,有钱的花花公子穿着纳粹制服只是为了找乐子,而你在这儿看到这些场景也会觉得见怪不怪而已。In fact, it's exactly the sort of place you wouldn't be surprised to find a toff dressed in a Nazi uniform "for fun".

问题在于,贝纳通此次的宣传活动能否对消费者产生长远的影响,因为他们对震撼性广告早已见怪不怪。The question is whether the campaign will have a lasting impact on consumers who have gotten used to shock advertising.

“灾祸”这个词似乎在嘲弄人,可怕天气反复出现我们见怪不怪了。The word "disaster" seems to mock us. After enough repetitions of shocking weather, we can't remain indefinitely shocked.

这样的事情在“动迁”里屡见不鲜,我们也有心理准备大家也见怪不怪了。Such a thing in the "relocation" in common, we have the psychological preparation of you also got used of this kind of things.

时间久了,大家也见怪不怪了,默认它为教室的一员,从未赶过它。For a long time, everyone has become used to the unusual, tacitly recognising it as a member of class, and never chasing it out.

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海盗行为在索马里已经成为一种见怪不怪的现象,当年轻人长大后他们就渴望成为一名海盗,因为成为海盗可以赚到钱。Piracy in Somalia has become so common that when young boys grow up they wish to become pirates because that’s where the money is.

一方面,狮子座有着很敏感的自尊心,另一方面,双子座则比较随意,而且对狮子座的大惊小怪见怪不怪。While the Leo has a very sensitive ego, the Gemini is more flexible and may appear teasing when they ignore the small issues of the Leo signs.

很多事物在大部分人看来可能是新问题,但青少年工作者往往见怪不怪,他们也逐渐认同了刀具犯罪更加频繁之事。Youth workers, who have a seen-it-all-before attitude towards most supposedly new problems, tend to agree that blades have become more common.