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这些套件数据然后被输入到NDIS。The data from the kits are then put into the NDIS.

这是您的房间钥匙,行李的件数对了的吧?Here is your room key, Is this the correct number of bags?

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重数一遍洗衣件数,检验件数是否与客人所填数目相符。Recount the Laundry items to verify items against guest count.

每个产品插件数据收集器旁边有一个对应的复选框。There is a checkbox next to each product plug-in data collector.

根据鱼的名字,举起手指示意你想要的件数。Follow the fish name with raised fingers for the number of pieces you're ordering.

检查行李是否有损坏,并核实行李件数。Whether the inspection baggage does have the damage, and verifies the baggage number.

我们到了,先生。我把您的行李箱放在这里,可以吗?行李的件数正确吗?Here we are , sir . May I put your suitcase here ? Is this the correct number of bags?

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谱条件数是反映预处理因子性态是否良好的一个有效指标。The spectral condition number is a useful indicator of the quality of a preconditioner.

需方名称、发货件数重量及每件材料规格见相关发货贫证。Please check the weight lists of cargo delivered for buy's name delivered please and weight and size.

将一个控件数组的16幅图形用于这个按钮,用两套四条形状线来显示这些图形。Uses a control array of 16 images for the buttons and two sets of four shape lines to outline the images.

货物应准确描述,重量,标签,商标和件数说明和验证。The cargo should be accurately described, and the weights, labels, marks and piece count indicated and verified.

行李员迅速帮助客人提拿行李,并及时向客人核对行李件数。The bellboy helps the VIP guest to take the baggage rapidly , and promptly checks the baggage number to the guest.

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一个挖沟的工人加班一小时可以拿到更多钱,计件工完成的件数越多,赚得越多。A ditch digger can work an hour of overtime for extra pay, and a piece worker earns more the more he or she produces.

该视乎所需的防水料类型,各有不同的直尺长度、阔度或平方英呎,由此来计算件数。Depending on the type of flashing required, it is estimated by the piece, linear footage with the width noted, or square feet.

但是,官费是按外观设计的件数来收取,并且每一件外观设计需分别续展。However, the government fee is calculated on the basis of the number of designs, and each design has to be renewed separately.

采用反激式直流变换型电路,具有四路输出而总元件数仅55个。Four different levels of output are provided while only 55 elements, including transistors, resistances and capacitors, are used.

每款最低起订量为120件,订单件数需满足纱种的最低起订量。The minimum order quantity is 120 pieces each style. The quantity of order should be met the minimum order quantity with material.

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舾装件数量大、品种多,其物流管理一直是船舶企业的管理难题。Logistics is always the biggest problem to ship-building enterprises because of the huge number and multi-kinds of outfitting stuff.

摆在他们面前的一项选择是在保持较高价格的同时,增加整包衣服的件数,如多加一条内裤等。One option would be to increase the number of items in a package-adding a pair of underwear, for example-while keeping the higher price.

我们只理件数,而不管单件的重量,所以你最好把批注改为“对重量不负责任”We only tally the packages but ignore the weight of each package. So you'd better change the remark to "not responsible for the weight".