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蛛网逃生。Survive a spiderweb.

蜘蛛使地窖布满了蛛网。Spiders cobwebbed the cellar.

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蛛网上的甘露光彩轻盈。Manna in cobweb lusters with lightness.

有蛛网纹身的西班牙男人拿着刀站在门口。MAN was standing behind the door holding a knife.

电路由一个大型的李兹线蛛网线圈开始。The circuit starts with a large litz spider coil.

蛛网假装捕捉露珠,却捕捉苍蝇。The cobweb pretend to catch dewdrops and catch flies.

蛛网假装要擒住露珠,却逮住了苍蝇。The cobweb pretends to catch dewdrops and catch flies.

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蛛网假装要擒住露珠,却逮住了苍蝇。The cobweb pretends to catch dewdrops and catches flies.

蜘蛛必须等待猎物被它的蛛网困住。The spider must wait for prey to be ensnared on its web.

提出时标下的蛛网模型,讨论模型的几种特殊珠情况。Cobweb models on times scales are established and discussed.

角质蛋白构成毛发、指甲、羽毛、蚕丝及蛛网。Keratoprotein constitutes hair, nail, feather, silk and cobweb.

蛛网的女主人永远守在自己的作品边,耐心的等候。Never far from her work, the mistress of the web patiently waits.

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有蛛网纹身的西班牙男人拿着刀站在门口。The HISPANIC SPIDERWEB MAN was standing behind the door holding a knife.

2008年拍摄的这张图片可以看出,大量的蜉蝣撞上了达尔文吠蛛的蛛网上,变成了达尔文吠蛛的美食。Dozens of mayflies hang helpless in a Darwin's bark spider's web in 2008.

这种动物用一种非常坚韧,并带有金色光泽的丝线编织蛛网。These creatures make webs from a very tough and distinctively golden silk.

当地穴恶魔使用钻地技能后,蛛网的自动施放不会被关闭。When you unburrow a Crypt Fiend, its auto-cast will no longer be toggled off.

科学家们对织网型蜘蛛的兴趣在于构成蛛网的丝线。What interests scientists about web-weaving spiders is the silk strands of the webs.

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2010年12月,巴基斯坦信德省,被茧一样的蛛网包裹的树木围绕着一片受淹稻田。Cocooned trees line the banks of a flooded rice paddy in Sindh, Pakistan, in December 2010.

东部平原地区河道纵横交错,密如蛛网,大小河流有150余条。Across the eastern plain area over 150 rivers of various lengths crisscross like a spider web.

蜘蛛也不喜欢潮湿的空气,蛛网表面如果潮湿的话,根本粘不到猎物。Spiders do not like dampness in the air, either. A spiderweb will not stick to a damp surface.