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他的双颊血色饱满。His cheeks are veined.

他的两颊没有血色。The blood forsook his cheeks.

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血色沉着病怎样治疗呢?How is hemochromatosis treated?

爱情是棺材板上玫瑰的血色。Love is the red of the rose on your coffin door!

至于黎明,至少也得来个“血色”的才够意思。As dawn, at least to have a "color" was terrific.

没有血色的嘴唇抖动着一下子抽搐起来。That bloodless lip quivered to a temporary spasm.

看得出来你脸上有了血色。I can see you've got some color back in your cheeks.

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在血色婚礼上被谋杀了,被弗雷家的人屠杀了。Murdered at the Red Wedding, butchered by the Freys.

你的脸色很苍白,一点血色也没有。Your face was whitish in colour, showing no trace of red.

一轮血色红日升起,远山成了剪影。A blood-red sun rose over the silhouettes of distant hills.

我紧紧地握着方向盘,手指关节绷得没有了血色。I hold the steering wheel firmly by hands with lacking blood.

我紧紧地握着方向盘,手指关节绷得没有了血色。My knuckles whitened from my tense grip on the steering wheel.

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他的眼睛还有嘴唇周围恢复了些血色,那层蓝色正在退却。The skin around the eyes and lips was pinking up , losing the blue cast.

血色苍茫是古战场系列画作的首篇。Sanguineous sky is the first paint of my series about archaian war field.

她身穿朴素的长袍,黑发在脑后梳成一个圆髻,脸上血色全无。Her dark hair was smoothed back into a bun and she wore long, plain robes.

患者脸上已经失去血色而且没有呼吸。The victim has lost color in the face and does not appear to be breathing.

因为这个身世,她的童年被蒙上了血色阴影。Because of this life, her childhood been overshadowed by redness of shadows.

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汤浅朱实的脸颊好不容易才出现一丝血色。Soup shallow Zhu Shi's cheeks with difficulty appears one silk blood-red color.

恍然间,彼岸花开,血色花蕊,引渡着迷惘的游魂。Come to realize, the Bana open, bloody flower, the extradition of the Lost souls.

当绿色浓烟升起时,队伍里的人脸上闪著无血色的绿。As the green smoke rose, the faces of those in the deputation flashed pallid green.