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我对她咆哮,汪汪汪。I snarl at her and bark.

我是一只小狗,汪汪汪。I'm a dog, woof woof woof.

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狗“汪汪汪”地叫了一阵。The dog barked for a while.

小狗汪汪报警了。The puppy barked the alarm.

一只狗马上就“汪汪”地叫了起来。Then a dog barked, Woof, woof!

但是周围没有捕食者的时候狗也会汪汪叫。But dogs bark when there are no

难道我得像灵犬莱西那样汪汪叫吗?Do I have to bark like Lassie ?

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他们听到一条狗在外面汪汪叫。They heard a dog barking outside.

我猜,当时女郎一定泪眼汪汪了吧。I think there were tears in her eyes.

这突然的声音惊得狗汪汪叫。The sudden noise set the dog barking.

这是小狗,汪汪汪!This is little Dog, Woof, woof, woof!

它流口水、汪汪叫、摇着小尾巴。He drools, barks, and wags his little tail.

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你捏他的爪子时他就会'汪汪'叫。He goes 'Woof woof' when you squeeze his paw.

这只母老鼠冲了出去,大声地汪汪叫起来The mother mouse rushed out and barked loudly

这里汪一声,那里汪一声,到处汪汪叫!Here a bow, there a bow, Everywhere a bow bow.

我的大狗狗很兴奋,它汪汪地叫个不停。My big dog got excited. She barked and barked.

她泪眼汪汪,显得十分不快。Brimming with tears, she looked deeply unhappy.

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当彼特回到家,他听到汪汪叫的声音。He was now sure the sound came from the bushes.

镇子上声音最大的猎狗在对着一只老鼠汪汪直叫。The loudest hound in town bow-wowed at a mouse.

他喜欢狗,但我实在受不了那汪汪的叫声。He like dogs, but I can never stand the yelping.