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丛林中狭长的湖泊上波光闪闪。Long lakes shine in the jungle.

绑在上小狭长三角旗。A small pennon borne on a lance.

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这条狭长的地带构成了公路的边沿。This narrow strip verges against the road.

我也注意到大多数梅子核上都有隆起的狭长垄沟。I also noticed that most of them had ridges.

D区沿河狭长带应考虑滨水江堤的景观需要。Part D shall consider the views of river bank.

沿着青翠的山谷,狭长蜿蜒的河道。Down the green valleys, the long swaying wadis.

那两块地之间有一片狭长林带。There is a belt of trees between the two field.

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真正的男人在海上是从来都不会迷失的,何况,那可是个狭长的岛。A man is never lost at sea and it is a long island.

击剑在一个狭长的长条形场地上进行,称作击剑场。Fencing bouts take place on a strip called a piste.

“视野所及是难以置信的狭长的景色,”她说。"There are incredible vistas all around," she says.

“视野所及是难以置信的狭长的景色,”她说。"There are incredible vistas all around, " she says.

眼睛是狭长的,眼尾处微微下弯。The eyes are long and slightly upcurved at the corners.

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我看见狭长星夜,你手心的力量,坦荡的爱情。I saw a starry night, the strength of your hand, be love.

各种各样的贝壳点缀著狭长的海滩。Shells of all shapes and sizes strew the long narrow beach.

美国阿拉斯加州首府,在锡特卡东北部的柄状狭长地带。The capital of Alaska, in the Panhandle northeast of Sitka.

假日广场东侧体块体形狭长,三个内中庭及入口中庭串联整个商业空间。The parcel of the holiday plaza in the east is narrow body.

在卡迪根湾的另一狭长地段的尾端是巴德西岛。At the end of the other arm of Cardigan Bay is Bardsey Island.

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狭长的沙漠岛,息居着各种各样的怪兽。A bowl-shaped desert island inhabited by a variety of monsters.

最后,他们看到一片狭长的陆地,陆地上有苍翠的山峦。At last they saw a beautiful strip of land with blue mountains.

该战争由对一块狭长土地霸占的争议所引起。The war is caused by a dispute over the annexe of a strip of land.