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人人都有自己名字的谷歌快讯。Everybody has a Google alert on their name.

股票快讯另外筛分,分级,选项。Stock Alerts Plus Screener, Ratings, Options.

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用谷歌快讯来追踪你的商业名称Use Google Alerts to keep track of your trading name

神起第一手快讯会在这里呈现。TVXQ the first quick news to be able to present in here.

如不希望再收取时富证券研究部快讯,请按此处。If you want to unsubscribe our Daily News, please click here.

用谷歌快讯使你的指尖把握商业动脉。Use Google Alerts to keep your finger on the business news pulse.

STYLESIGHT会对本网站新内容提供新的电子邮件服务或其他快讯服务。STYLESIGHT may provide news email service or other prompts to new Content.

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使用网页快讯,您可以在收藏夹栏中直接与更新的网站保持联系。Get a new deal from eBay. com. au every day, straight to your favourites bar.

欧文笑了,圣安东尼新闻快讯在直播板块做了这一报道。Owen grinned, the San Antonio Express-News reported in Tuesday's online edition.

主编最后接受了这位通讯员一篇措辞温和的快讯。The editor eventually accepted a toned-down version of the correspondent's dispatch.

这项可逆金刚石的研究将会发表在物理评论快讯期刊上。The reversible-diamond study will be published in the journal Physical Review Letters.

谷歌快讯应该是自由职业者搜索库中最常用的工具之一。Google Alerts should be one of the most frequently used tools in any freelancer’s arsenal.

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示例包括个人新闻,个人搜索,快讯和推荐购买。Examples include personalized news, personalized search, alerts and recommendations to buy.

一个电话,一条新闻快讯,顷刻之间,生活便会因此分崩离析,割裂成为“之前”和“以后”。In an instant, a life can divide into Before and After. A phone call, a news flash can do it.

共享国际、国内最新的财经快讯、和专家分析。We can Sharing of international and domestic financial quick-date Hearing, and expert analysis.

如果页面有支援网页快讯功能,在浏览器的右上角将会显示绿色的网页快讯图示,而您将能够轻松地将页面加到我的最爱列中!Just go to the CafeMom home page and click on the green Web Slice icon to see what you can subscribe to!

然而,现在谷歌只是简单的把谷歌资讯快讯以及RSS链接从结果界面的侧边栏中移除了。Now the company has simply removed the links in the results page sidebar to both RSS and Google Alerts. Oops.

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在共和国上下,震惊的幸存者们恐惧地关注着铺天盖地而来的全息频道战争快讯。Across the remnants of the Republic, stunned beings watch in horror as the battle unfolds live on the HoloNet.

预先登记成功后,展前将收到“展前电子快讯”,同时将优先安排“现场商务洽谈和配对活动”。You would receive the mail "Pre-show e -newsletter" and prioritize the onsite matchmaking and business service.

Shirky试图将对那些特殊机构命运的讨论转移为新闻报道源的讨论,真正制造了新闻快讯的人是谁?Shirky was trying to shift the conversation from the fate of particular institutions to the project of original reporting.