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我不赞成堂兄妹联姻。I don't approve of cousins marrying.

很明确地规定了禁止通婚联姻。The ban on intermarriage here is quite specific.

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现在一项研究表明近亲联姻并无妨。Now a study shows cousins run few risks in mating.

当然,这得等到两大交易所联姻成功才能盖棺定论。That is, of course, if they ever get to the altar.

这场关系刚开始是出于自身利益的联姻。The relationship started as a marriage of self-interest.

两者联姻让它们都得到了自己需要的东西。The marriage between the two gave them both what they needed.

因此,桂剧与旅游的联姻成为可能。So, Tt become possible to marry between Gui opera and tourism.

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当这个联姻计划失败时,他转向巴克莱银行。When plans for that marriage collapsed, he turned to Barclays.

为什么皮尔斯·哈丁·罗尔斯认为这次联姻具有战略意义?Why Piers Harding-Rolls thinks this marriage has strategic sense?

我们和布雷肯家达成了几百次和平协议,很多都由联姻完成。We've had a hundred peaces with the Brackens, many sealed with marriages.

但是并不能说,营销就是车表联姻的主要动机。But can not be said, marketing is the marriage of cars form the main motive.

恰是与政府的联姻要患上IBM获患上无可比拟的真格的力量。It is with the government's marriage makes IBM obtain incomparable strength.

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这是象征性赠券与感恩节周末疯狂购物的一桩联姻。It's a cents-off coupon married to a Friday-after-Thanksgiving shopping frenzy.

Wintel联姻正受到威胁,奇怪的是,这是由于技术的进步使然。The Wintel marriage is now threatened, oddly enough, by technological progress.

但是不久后就与蒋介石的南京政府联姻合并了。But this government was later merged into Chiang Kai-shek's government in Nanjing.

交配可能被用来在同性当中进行联姻和保护物种。Copulation could be used for alliance and protection among animals of the same sex.

这两个交易市场宣布他们的“联姻”是为了使日本经济恢复生气。The bourses say their marriage is for "the revitalisation of the Japanese economy."

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某种程度上来说,车、表联姻从车和表出现的那一天就开始了。To some extent, cars, tables and table marriage emerged from the car the day began.

曾念安心里有数,韩金铨就是想与魏东篱联姻,合伙对付他。Ever read at ease, Han Jinquan is want to marry BDBD hedge, partnership deal with him.

个人的联姻结束了红白玫瑰间的矛盾,开始了一个全新的著名的王朝——都铎王朝。This personal union ended the conflict, and a new famous dynasty, the Tudors, emerged.