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他一直在本校的团委工作。He has been working in the CYL committee at our school.

但我又想起在团委工作的时候,我们是多么快乐,嗨!But I also think the work of the CYL , how happy we are, Hey!

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此外,配合院团委组织的各项活动的配套的宣传工作。In addition, courtyard of activities of the organization committee of propaganda work.

我校的团委书记大约在一个月前就给我说了要我出一个节目。The head of youth league in our school asked me to give a performance about a month ago.

从来未过特教学生会和分团委在金汉斯饭店聚会。Never had special education students and sub-committee of the Hans in the hotel gathering.

敬老院负责人代表全体老人对局团委的慰问表示感谢。Person in charge on behalf of all elderly nursing home Youth League game of the sympathy expressed his thanks.

院党委、团委、工会荣获省、市级先进集体称号。The party committee, youth league committee and trade union won the provincial and municipal advanced collective title.

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团委、物流学院的相关负责同志及老师也参加了此次创城活动。The leaders and teachers from Communist Youth League Dept. and School of Logistics also attended the volunteer activity.

上世纪七十年代中期,我在一家大型林业企业当团委书记。Go up century seventy time metaphase, I am in a large forestry enterprises when the Secretary of the Communist Youth league.

由香港中乐团委约,费用由「CASH音乐基金」赞助,并于2008年首演。Premièred in 2008, The Digital Hub' is commissioned by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra with sponsorship from CASH Music Fund.

会议对市五四红旗团委等先进单位和个人进行了表彰。The meeting also awarded some advanced units with the title of the May Fourth Red-banner Youth League and praised model young people.

本次活动的顺利开展不仅受到了外语系党总支和外语系团委的正确指导和大力支持同时也得到校外商业人士的鼎力相助。This event is greatly supported by the Party Branch and Student Party Union of the Foreign Language as well as business entrepreneurs.

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主要负责学院学生会、分团委、党支部等学生干部的组织管理工作。Mainly responsible for the Students council, Communist Youth League, Party branch and other organization and management work of student.

随后,外航团委副书记马静宣布机关团支部正式成立,并授予团旗与团章。Deputy Secretary of FASCO CYL Ma Jin announced the establishment of Youth League Branch and conferred the Youth League flag and constitution.

本次活动是在外语系党总支领导,系团委,学生会具体组织下,并在星源丽人坊美容院大力赞助下开展起来的。This event is organized by the Party leaders of the Foreign Language, Party Union, and the Student Body and sponsored by Star Source Beauty Salon.

团委书记是各级各类团组织中青年的优秀代表,在青少年权利意识教育中发挥着十分重要的作用。Committee Secretary is the outstanding representative of league organizations at all levels and plays a vital role in the Youth right consciousness education.

局团委组织负责同志代表省测绘局团委为老人们送上祝福。Bureau of Communist Youth League organization is responsible for the Provincial Mapping Bureau of Communist Youth League comrades of the old people's blessing.

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来自地区财政、公安、教育、团委等部门的领导和负责人70余人参加了会议。From the regional finance, public security, education, CYL, and other departments responsible for the leadership and people for more than 70 people attended the meeting.

协助举办这个“广外英语角启动仪式”的有英教学院团委和学生会、大学的英语俱乐部和英语森林俱乐部。Co-hosting the Ceremony with College English Learning Support Center are Youth League and Students Union of the Faculty of English and Education, English Club, and E-Jungle Club.

让我们对百忙之中前来参加晚会的来宾们表示最热烈的欢迎,向为本次文化艺术节付出辛勤劳动的校领导和院团委老师表示最真挚的感谢。Let's on his busy schedule to attend the evening guests, warmest welcome to this sub-culture Festival to pay all the hard work of teachers and students from the most sincere thanks.