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收音机是汽车的附件。A radio is an accessory to a car.

反铲附件的约翰迪尔870。John Deere 870 backhoe attachment.

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将附件电缆插入MFP。Plug accessory cable into the MFP.

附件极大地简化了这个任务。Add-ons greatly simplify this task.

未引用的附件及安全性Unreferenced attachments and security

电源插板,生活用电的必须附件。Life must be electricity in the annex.

消息设计和消息附件。Message Design and Message Attachments.

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完井用油管及附件。Tubing and attachments for completions.

计划详情请参阅附件的PDF。Please see attached Project Details PDF.

然后我将开始启航和附件。Then I'll start the sail and appendages.

点烟器是汽车的一种附件。A cigar-lighter is an accessory to a car.

可以在目录中找到这些附件。You can find these add-ons in the catalog.

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今天的会议记录在附件里。Attached please find today’s meeting notes.

不发送任何附件或绑定项数据。No attachments or bound item data are sent.

附件中还选摘了法案和规则。Appendixes list selected statutes and rules.

附件手腕挂绳以增加安全性。Lanyard wrist attachment for added security.

那么,我投的所有附件和船帆。Then I cast all the appendages and the sail.

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对于每个服务器,附件只写一次。Attachments are written once for each server.

下学期行事历在附件中。Please see attachment for 2010 Fall calendar.

详细内容已于合同的附件V中列明。Details are stated in Annex V to the Contract.