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是半场进攻,还是以快攻为主,或者是以防守见长?Are they defensive oriented?

该报以详细刊登气象报告见长。The paper makes a feature of detailed weather reports.

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卡斯特罗以发表激烈、冗长的演说见长。Castro is notorious for his powerful, lengthy speeches.

于是帅飘就赶快通知巡捕去救胡见长和白之际。So handsome wave get notice on to save for hu and white.

尤以汽车音响的安装、改装、维修见长。Especially in car audio installation, alteration, repair Kyo.

小说以辛辣的讽刺和批判的现实主义见长。The novel is characterized by sharp satire and critic realism.

金山以楼阁取胜,焦山因碑林见长。Jinshan to the pavilion to win, mte known for Forest of Stone Tablets.

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史隆以风景画见长,他的作品洋溢著祥和宁静的氛围。Sloane was proficient in landscape paintings of which bore serene atmosphere.

中国以加工制造和基础设施建设见长。China has strengths in processing, manufacturing and infrastructure construction.

Pagani是一个很时尚的以生产外形激进的跑车见长的汽车厂商。Pagani is a car manufacturer that is famous for its radical and stylish sports cars.

新世纪以来,以深度和广度见长的电视新闻深度报道节目,在节目内容和节目形式上都有了很大的发展。This thesis is meant to focus on such kind of TV program of in-depth news reporting.

本着以质量为本、服务为先、技术见长的发展理念。With a commitment to quality, service first, the development of technology Kyo idea.

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主要学术带头人刘家林教授,以治中国新闻史、广告史见长。Group leader Pro. Liu Jialing is good at history of China Journalism and advertisement.

宋濂的诗歌如他的散文一样,以善于刻画人物见长。Song Lian's Poems, just like others' prose, are noted for vivid portrayal of characters.

花旗银行的戴维和渣打银行的琳达跟着白之际来见胡见长。David and standard chartered bank, citibank, Linda follow white when I come to see Mr Hu.

至于腾空的二手房,或转让或出租,行情也是年年见长。As for the vacated secondary rooms, or transfer or lease, the situation is mid-grow perceptibly.

要求增加资费以保障教学质量的呼声日益见长。They are increasingly calling for fees to be increased to safeguard the quality of their teaching.

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以演绎肖邦、李斯特见长的“钢琴王子”李云迪将会带来怎样的惊喜呢?让我们拭目以待。What, then, shall we expect from YUNDI's Beethoven, as he's known mainly for his Chopin and Liszt?

其它国家除了面临着严重赤字和经济增长缓慢的问题,借贷成本也有所见长。Other nations facing big deficits and slow economic growth are also seeing their borrowing costs rise.

香型涵盖了花香、果香、木香、草香、动物香等各大类,尤以复合香型见长。The styles include flowers, fruits, woody plants, herbs and animals, especially the compounded styles.