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慢慢地他陷入睡梦之中。Gradually he sank into sleep.

年轻的弟弟却微笑于睡梦之中。The younger smiles as in a dream.

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“睡梦之桥,”格里夫说出了它的名字。"The Bridge of Dream, " Griff named it.

你在睡梦里讲着呓语。You were talking gibberish in your sleep.

在仲夏的黎明里,漂亮的女人总是还沉睡在睡梦里。Fair women are usually asleep at midsummer dawns.

街上空无一人,很多比我聪明的人还都在睡梦之中。The streets were empty because many folks smarter than I were still asleep.

睡梦之桥,格里夫是这样叫它的,但是这个梦支离破碎。The Bridge of Dream, Griff called it, but this dream was smashed and broken.

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我不担心死亡,“他假设这会发生在睡梦之中。“I don’t worry about dying, ” he says, assuming it will happen in his sleep.

玫瑰,呵,纯粹的矛盾,愿意在这么多的眼睑下作前无古人后无来者的睡梦。Rose , oh pure contradiction , joy of being no one's sleep under so many lids.

提利昂在睡梦与清醒不断交替中觉得日夜也不那么重要了。Tyrion slept and woke and slept again, and day and night seemed not to matter.

德国睡梦是一个节约空间的令人愉快的马上就能使用的床。Tiefschlaf is a space-saving delight and a modular bed that gets ready in a jiffy.

控制肌肉紧张性的中枢不到一粒葡萄籽大,使睡梦具有生气。The center controlling muscular tone, which is no bigger than a grape seed, lives his dreams.

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她统治着我的思想、行动和睡梦,她却自己独居索处。Over my thoughts and actions, my slumbers and dreams, she reigned yet dwelled alone and apart.

她统治着我的思想、行动和睡梦,而自己却离群索居。Over my thoughts and actions, my slumbers and dreams, she reigned yet dwelled alone and apart.

我已经守望了一整夜,此刻,我的双眼沉沉欲睡。我害怕我在睡梦之中失去你。I have watched all night, and now my eyes are heavy with sleep. I fear lest I lose you when I am sleeping.

我们中那些经常这样做的人感觉我们好像进入到一个慢镜头的睡梦世界,但这其实是真实的存在。Those of us who are doing this work often feel like we are living in a slow-mo dream world, and this is in fact true.

于是我决定把自己睡觉的情景录下来,随后我才发现原来自己在睡梦之中就已经把闹钟关掉了。I clearly remembered setting it, so I videotaped myself sleeping. It turns out I've been turning off my alarm clock in my sleep.

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这种可调整的不锈钢脚把睡眠者的健康置于首位,而德国睡梦齐心协力让它看上去也不错。The adjustable stainless steel legs prioritize the health of the sleeper even as Tiefschlaf makes a concerted effort to look good.

诗歌还将黎明的寒冷与激情,比作一种觉醒时刻,从睡梦和幻想回到现实的时刻。The poem identifies also cold and passion with dawn the moment of awakening, which is also a moment of coming into reality from dream and sleep.

清晨,雾霭笼罩着山顶。晨雾很不情愿地散开,就像孩子不愿离开甜蜜的睡梦。Early morning and mist is wrapped around the tops of the mountains. Down heRe it is lifting slowly like a reluctant child leaving heR warm sleep.