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不要企图把损失转嫁到顾客头上。Don't try to shift the losses on to the customers.

关于李湘转嫁旅游卫视事件,大家觉得是蓄意炒作还是真有其事?Is Li Xiang's job-hopping to the Travel Channel true or speculation?

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为此,美国不断把自己的危机转嫁于人。Thus, the US regularly transfer its own economic crisis onto others.

这个政治家想把一些不当的言论转嫁到他的政敌身上。The politician tried to impute some unfortunate remarks to his enemy.

但是,过度支付市场价值,就会把损失转嫁到政府头上。But overpaying for the assets simply shifts the losses to the government.

“但信贷风险并没有消失,只不过被转嫁到投资者身上”。Credit risk has not disappeared but merely been transferred to investors.

这将把控制服务和待处理案件的责任转嫁到各州政府头上。This puts the onus of controlling services and caseloads onto the states.

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更为糟糕的是,这些失败的代价正在转嫁给我们的孩子。Worse yet, the price tag for these failures is being passed to our children.

GE可以把众多毫不相关的基因转接到一起,例如把蝎子身上的有毒基因转嫁到玉米或鱼身上,把抗冻基因转嫁到西红柿上面。putting scorpion toxin genes into maize or fish antifreeze genes into tomatoes.

当他把曾经对你的好,转嫁到她人身上时,你才感到何其的难过,心如刀割。When he was good for you, passed on to her person, you know how sad, heartbroken.

在他的儿子阿波罗的提示下,宙斯决定将这份罪转嫁给与海伦私通的特洛伊王子身上。Reminded by his son Apollo, Zeus decided to pass the guilt to Helen and the prince.

税负转嫁问题是经济学中的一个最棘手的问题,但又是理论研究和政策制定中无法回避的问题。But tax transferring remains a subtle problem not only in research but also in policy-making.

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消费价格汇率转嫁-最下游的价格-更为缓慢,滞后效应明显。ERPT for consumer prices – the most downstream prices – is much milder and has substantial lags.

网上的一位作者甚至认为,美国试图将金融危机转嫁到中国。One author on the Web even sees an attempt by the U.S. to shift to the financial crisis to China.

那就意味着我们会有额外的开支,而我们会把的东西,落选者价格增加的部分转嫁到你们身上。That will involve additional expenses for us. which we will have to pass on to you as a rate hike.

他预计向中国转嫁危机的行为将会增加,他称其为一个错误。He also expects an increase in ``scapegoating\'\' China for economic ills, which he called a mistake.

一方面,新婚的人们一般都无法承担婚礼的费用,因此这个负担就转嫁到父母的身上。For one thing, the newlyweds usually cannot afford marriage expense, and transfer the load to parents.

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他说,这些措施只能使他们的问题变得更严重,并且“将调整之劳转嫁他人”。These measures only make their problems worse and “shift the burden of adjustment to others,” he said.

但是这种低价造成的低质的维保工作,最终都转嫁到了消费者头上。But this kind of price caused by low quality of maintenance work, eventually passed on to the consumer.

强烈抗议美国政府通过美元贬值来转嫁经济危机!Strong protests by the United States Government to shift the economic depreciation of the dollar crisis!