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多云且有风的。It's cloudy and windy.

全般早上多云。It's been cloudy all morning.

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天气变得多风且多云。The weather became windy and cloudy.

本月亦较正常多云。The month was also cloudier than normal.

要是多云,连太阳都看不到。If it's cloudy, you don't even see the sun.

今天多云,天有点阴。Today, cloudy, overcast days, a little bit.

我们能飞的随风在多云天气晴。We can fly with the wind in sunny or cloudy weather.

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当气候多云的气候风凉恬静。When it is cloudy, the weather is cool and comfortable.

上午多云,下午放晴,这种日子有吗?Which cloudy morning was followed by a sunny afternoon?

多云多雾和多荫的地带,草木也葱郁茂盛。There is much greenery in lands of fog and clouds and shadow.

早上多云、下午中雨。Weather was cloudy in the morning, and rain in the afternoon.

外面天多云,但是她想不带雨衣碰碰运气。It was cloudy outside, but she chanced it without her raincoat.

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♪。空中放阴了又多云,荣幸事后只剩孤寂。The sky clearing up and cloudy, after happiness only loneliness.

一些系统在多云的期数期间或在晚上使用热的储藏。Some systems use thermal storage during cloudy periods or at night.

北京将有雨。最高气温9℃,最低气温2℃。天津多云。Beijing will be rainy. The temperature will be 2 to 9. Tianjin will be.

今天多云,后半夜有少许可能有雨。The day will be cloudy with a slight chance of some rain later tonight.

今天,我心情非常地冲动,今夜阳光明媚,今夜多云转晴。Today I'm so incited. Tonight it's so sunny, turning from cloudy to clear.

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相反地,当天气多云阳光也不足的时候,通常就有风。And vice versa—when there's less sunlight on a cloudy day, it's usually windy.

太原将多云时温度从十八岁到二十八岁。Linfen would be windy and its temperature would be twenty-three to thirty-two.

由于多云天气再次出现,今天我没法儿从观测中午太阳倾角来判定方位。I could not take the declension of the sun at noon today, again due to overcast.