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同样的疆域里现在的耕地只有2.07亿公顷。The same territory now farms 207m hectares.

您想置备中疆域特产品吗?Do you wish to buy some Chinese native produce?

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我凌空飞升,我飘拂在你那爱的疆域,啊,男人。I ascend, I float in the regions of your love O man.

宇宙是否浩瀚无垠?还是疆域有限?Is the universe infinite? or does it have boundaries?

他还告诉他的继任者不要把帝国疆域延伸到莱茵河之外。He also told his successors to limit the Empire to the Rhine.

商代国家疆域应包括这些诸侯国在内。So the territory of Shang should include these states into it.

其疆域之广,居中国各朝之最。It's broad of territory , residence Chinese best of every dynasty.

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他们喜欢玩彪悍的游戏,去赢,然后统治他们的疆域。Men like to play rough games, win things, and rule their territory.

某些词跑在疆域,就是边塞民歌。Run in the territory of certain words, that is, folk frontier fortress.

或者说,在一片痉挛的疆域中存在着几个扭曲的孔。In other words, there exists in this convulsed realm, several contorted holes.

过去的一周,五洲同庆超过文化疆域的创事业精力。This past week, the world has celebrated entrepreneurship across all cultures.

他收集全部158,条宪法,范围横跨古代世界的全部疆域。He collected constitutions, 158 of them in all, from throughout the ancient world.

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没有神圣“明灿”圆融自性-疆域里最微小变异。There Is Not The Slightest Modification Of The Divine "Bright" Spherical Self-Domain.

欲称王,只需要有帝国的疆域,言行举止好似一个王就可。To be a king, one need merely put forth one's regal state, one simply needs to act kingly.

李白对古典代言体诗的疆域,作出了杰出的开拓。Li Bai had markedly contributed to expanding the realm of the classical poems of this style.

蜀汉与孙吴之间的夷陵之战,是确定两国疆域的一场战争。The aim of the Yiling Battle between Shu-Han and Sun-Wu is to determine national boundaries.

遇战疯后来残忍攻击帝国疆域时证实了这是错误的假设。The Yuuzhan Vong proved that assumption wrong, when it brutally attacked the Imperial worlds.

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著名的尤利乌斯?凯撒大帝将莱茵河西岸的疆域纳入了罗马的统治之下。It was the famous Julius Caesar who brought the region on the western bank under Roman control.

一百二十英亩,据沙县书记员所言,是我拥有的世俗疆域。One hundred and twenty acres, according to the County Clerk, is the extent of my worldly domain.

疆域发生紧张列车变乱,二人灭亡,十二人负伤。There was a serious train accident near the border. Two people were killed and twelve were injured.