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打破常规。Break the routine.

坏打破,福禄克的目标。Bad break, fluke goal.

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微笑能打破坚冰。Smiles can break the ice.

同时打破我美好的梦想!And broken my braw dream !

我们最需要打破这些垄断。We need to break those up.

一声惊叫声打破了寂静。A scream broke the silence.

如何打破这个循环?How do you break the cycle?

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有点打破禁忌的意味。It’s sort of taboo-breaking.

阿尔法打破左布拉沃我吧!Alpha break left Bravo on me!

巴勒斯打破了互不友好的沉默。Barras broken the icy silence.

一根树枝突然折断打破了寂静。The course was a snap for him.

生命在于打破束缚。Life is always breaking fetter.

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这可能是很好的一个打破平衡因素…This can be a good tie-breaker.

一天我们必须打破常规。Someday we must break the cycle.

我们试图打破沉默。We have to fill up all the gaps.

他打破了贝比·鲁斯的记录。He had beaten Babe Ruth's record.

布朗案"打破了所有这一切。The Brown case broke all that up.

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我们需要有人打破这种僵局。We need someone to break the ice.

为什么要尝试打破自己的纪录?Why try to break your own record?

但是,我会打破你的花盆的。But, I will break your flowerpots.