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他看上去不那么壮实。He did not look very sturdy.

很壮实,先生,很健康。Quite thriving, Sir, and well.

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我丈夫斯基普是一个很壮实、性感的男人。My husband Skip is a teddy bear of a man.

他是个壮实的孩子,长的很健康。He's a very sturdy child and very healthy.

这是条壮实而血气旺盛的鱼。“他想。”It is a strong full-blooded fish, " he thought."

凭着他壮实的双腿,他可以连续跑上好几个钟头。With his sturdy legs he could keep running for hours.

女的是一个大块头、很壮实的婊子,是那种粗蛮的女人。He took on a French girl, you know, while you were away.

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他壮实的在冬天不需要穿棉袄。He is very strong and he needn't wear cotton-padded jacket.

用于包装我们晶体管发音机的盒子很轻,但很壮实。The cases used for packing our transistor radios are light but strong.

他长得很壮实,穿著深色衣服,亮光下显得很苍白。He was solid enough, wearing dark clothing, and in the odd lighting he appeared very pale.

在所有那些得以成年的思想的里面,除了民主之外,他大概是最壮实的。Of all secular ideals it probably has been the most powerful, apart from democracy itself.

一个个子魁梧,身体壮实的伐木人依着岸边的一颗树。A tall, brawny woodsman stood leaning against a tree which stood upon the bank of the river.

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在英国,设得兰矮马最初在煤矿上充作力畜,它们长得壮实。Shetlands were first used in England as work animals in coal mines, because they were strong.

当我进入中学的时候我大部分的朋友都很娇小,但我长得相当壮实。When I joined my secondary school most of my friends were quite petite, but I was quite chunky.

在脾主肌功能的作用下,肌肉发达丰满,四肢壮实有力。The spleen has the function of nourishing muscle, It makes muscles plumpy and four limbs strong.

所以在英国,“家庭富裕又长得壮实的孩子”表现得比家庭贫困的同学要聪明。So in Britain, "rich, thick kids" still perform better than their brighter but poorer classmates.

不过,德舰的393名壮实的船员中有300多爬上救生艇逃走了。But of the German ship’s 393-strong crew, over 300 managed to scramble on to life rafts and get away.

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蛋白色的皮毛厚厚地覆盖在有着这只壮实肌肉的牡鹿身上。它头上长着黑色而弯曲的鹿角。This powerfully muscled stag is covered in thick white fur. Crooked black antlers spring from its head.

使用壮实的木箱包装是必须的。箱子必须用钉子钉住,并且用金属带片面添固。Packing in sturdy wooden cases is essential. Cases must be nailed and secured by overall metal strapping.

这位秃顶、壮实的小个子男子穿着经过细心刷过的破旧黑外衣坐在灯下。The bald-headed , short, fat, little man sat under the lamp in his dark, meticulously brushed, shabby coat.