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不须红袖来扶我。Red armbands do not have to help me.

红袖也站起身来,说,我也想去。Tea has stood up and said, I also wanted to go.

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红袖舞南窗,状元赐朝堂。The tea dance champion south window, given in church.

又看中了红袖添香原创文学网站,冒险一注册,竟然成功了。Also see the original literature site, a risk register, has been successful.

只是,他日温香软玉满怀之时,可曾记起过那个添香的红袖?But, the future Wen Xiang nephrite with when, ever recorded on the Shannon tea?

一个穿着棉大衣,戴着红袖箍的老头懒洋洋地坐在前面晒太阳。At the gate, there sat an old man wearing a thick winter coat and a red armband.

后来我想起红袖说过她的名字是网名,我眼前一亮,红袖会不会去上网呢?。Then I remembered her name is said net tea, and my eyes bright, tea will go online?

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面对红袖中网友字里行间流淌的悠悠情思,人生哲学,我感同身受,只有感动。User armbands in the face of countless mind sees flowing between the lines, life philosophy, I share her feelings, only moved.

隔壁的赵大爷说道,他戴着代表奥运会社区巡视志愿者的红袖箍。Zhao, an old man sitting next door who wore the red armband of the volunteer neighborhood sentries recruited for the Olympics.

我的眼前不知为什么闪现出了红袖苍白的脸,这个刚认识两天的女孩子,为什么在我脑海中有个这个深刻的印象?。I do not know why the fighters in the eyes of tea pale face, the two girls just understand, Why do I have such a deep impression on our minds?

春来时还常有几枝娇艳的桃花杏花,娉娉婷婷,从墙头殷勤地摇曳红袖,向行人招手。In spring, beautiful peach and apricot blossoms atop the walls, like graceful girls waving their red sleeves, will sway hospitably to beckon the pedestrians.