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第三点是分权制Third is decentralization.

目前的时尚是要求地方分权。The current vogue is for decentralization.

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两个国家都是分权制政体Both of these states are decentralized states.

分权政府是你们能采取的最佳预防措施。Divided government is the best precaution you can have.

市政府正在寻求分权的方法。The city government is looking for ways to decentralize.

影响实现的决策应该分权。Decisions that impact implementations should be decentralized.

很多学区已经开始尝试分权。School districts have made several attempts at decentralizing.

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中国的改革具有明显的地方分权特征。Reform in China is characterized by regional division of power.

我们不能再支持老旧的主权理论模式,而妨碍地方分权制度的实施。We should clear the dated sovereignty theory from the way of decentralization.

目前我国中央与地方分权制度存在谈判费用、执行费用和监督费用均过高的问题。While the cost of banking supervision is indeed high, the cost of poor supervision.

论述了有效的分权管理的中心条件——代表制。The author discusses the central condition for effective decentralization is representation.

联邦公开市场监察小组,制定货币政策,所以它是分权并且长期的。The Federal Open Market Committee makes monetary policy so it's decentralized and long terms.

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旧中国中央集权与地方分权相互竞争,相互交替。The centralization and the decentralization in the old China competed and alternate mutually.

这就跟两个联邦制分权结构完全不同Very, very different than this federalist decentralized structure of both of these countries.

但分权容易造成代理成本和社会卸责等一系列问题。But dispersed power easily cause a series of questions such as agent cost, social loafing etc.

我们通常认为,个人自由与安全,是分权的目的。We usually think of individual freedom and security as the purpose of the separation of power.

但是这就意味着地方分权,是他们自我认知的基本组成部分But it does mean that this decentralization is an essential part of who they thought they were.

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宏观调控应当遵循“分权”和“法治”的基本原则。Macro- control should comply with cardinal principles of"separation of powers"and"rule of law".

三个分支实行分权,因此每一分支都可以对其他两个分支的权力有一定限制。Because these three branches share powers, each can partially limit the powers of the other two.

它更分散、更分权,至少总体上而言更能与自由相容。it's more diffuse, more decentralized, more reconcilable — in principle, at least — with liberty.