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琳达和我相视而笑。Linda and I looked at each other.

费雷德和多丽丝相视一笑。Fred and Doris smiled at each other.

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那天,我们相视而笑。That day we shared a smile together.

伊萨故意逗他,他们相视一笑,开始享受着柠檬汁。They shared a smile and drank the lemonade.

起初,乘客们只是偷偷地相视一笑。At first, the passengers exchanged timid smiles.

糊涂鬼的姐姐回头怒目相视。Confused the angry ghost of her sister, as the back.

我们目光相遇,相视一笑,我们是这人生的共谋犯。Our eyes meet. We both smile and we are conspirators.

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旁边两个男孩相视而笑。A couple of the boys around him smirked at each other.

男人们相遇的时候,通常只是相视一笑,或者随意地说声“你好”。When a man meets a male friend, he just smiles, and says "Hello".

看起来石匠们也对她怒目相视,而砖匠们也一样。The stonemasons were wroth with her, it seemed. The bricklayers as well.

当硬币落到罐底发出快乐的脆响时,我们就相视咧嘴一笑。As they rattled8 around with a brief, happy jingle, we grinned at each other.

凝目相视,继而莞尔一笑,心一下子变得如蓝天般的清澈。Staring each other for a long time, we smiled from the bottoms of our hearts.

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罗依和玛拉从拥吻中分开,他们相视而笑,然后继续跳舞。Roy and Myra seperate from kiss, they smile at one another, then resume dancing.

“站住!”高喝声让所有人一顿,相视一眼后又向前冲!"Stop! "Gao He Sheng lets the employer mutually see one eye again forward blunt after!

有时也会招来服务生的白眼,但我们只是相视一笑,只当是快乐的笑料罢了。Sometimes called the waiter 's eyes, but we just smiled at each other, but is happy laughter.

她向你走过来,你们就自然四目相视了,然后,你要保持住此刻的目光接触。When she comes to you, her eyes will inevitably meet yours, and you'll be locked in eye contact.

从台上走下去,并且在定制的车上能与粉丝们眼对眼相视见面是令人兴奋的。It was exciting to go down from the stage and meet the fans eye to eye on the custom made vehicle.

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他们相视而笑,然后跑进附近的树林里,躲在一堆灌木丛后。The two statues smiled at each other, ran toward some nearby woods and dove behind a couple of bushes.

其它的食人族先是一阵错愕,然后开始对探险家怒目相视!The man-eater of other is an astonishment first, begin to be inspected to explorer glower photograph next!

如今,当我们一起吃米饭布丁的时候,我们总会相视而笑,而且这也是她仍能记起的很少的事情之一了。We always smiled at each other when we ate rice pudding, and it's one of the few things she still remembers.