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冰淇淋实际上是低肠胃的。Ice-cream is actually low-GI.

也许是某人的香烟点燃的肠胃气胀。Probably flatulence ignited by someones cigarette.

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喝姜茶有助于促进肠胃蠕动。Drinking ginger tea will help start a bowel movement.

过度放纵会引起肠胃问题。Overindulgence could lead to problems with digestion.

这是伟大的,以帮助消化不良,肠胃气胀和恶心。It is great to help indigestion, flatulence and nausea.

她的内脏中仿佛爬满了毒蛇,扭曲着咬着肠胃。Her guts were full of writhing snakes biting at her bowels.

的目标,治疗肠胃气胀是减少气体和气味。The goal of treatment of flatulence is to reduce gas and odor.

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利奥先生被允许转入肠胃科病房。他的血红素偏低。Mr. Leo is admitted to the gastrointestinal ward. His hemoglobin is low.

吃点泻药有助于你将肠胃中的有害物质除去。Take some purgative and it will help you purge your bowels of bad matter.

胃痛、胃酸过多、胃灼热、胃气胀及肠胃痉挛等。Stomach-ache, indigestion, hyperacidity, heartburn, flatulent and spasmodic.

比如说,乳糖不耐症引起肠胃不适和胀气,这并非过敏。For example, the gas and stomach pain of lactose intolerance? Not an allergy.

它所含有的益生菌等活性物质有助于促进肠胃蠕动而且有益于人体的免疫系统。Live and active cultures are beneficial for the intestines and immune system.

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朋友相聚,乱侃胡吹,参加饭局,满足肠胃。Meet with friends, Luankan quackish to attend the dinner to meet the stomach.

为了消除肠胃感染病毒,要喝大量的水或电解质液体。Try to drink plenty of water or electrolyte fluids to get rid of stomach virus.

另外,忍受着肠胃不适之苦的人往往也会吃点土。Also, people tend to eat dirt when they’re suffering from gastrointestinal distress.

最近感觉肠胃不适,他决定去做一次钡餐。Having problems with his digestive system recently, he decides to take a barium meal.

请病假的理由中,一半都是肠胃不舒服,很难辨明真伪。Half of all health-related excuses involve stomach upsets, which are hard to disprove.

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姜茶的抗炎性可以减轻肠胃气胀、反胃和消化不良的各种症状。Jiang anti-inflammatory effect can reduce flatulence, nausea and indigestion symptoms.

芦荟汁也可以被摄取来帮助疗愈慢性肠胃问题。Aloe vera can also be ingested to help heal chronic problems in the stomach or intestines.

每天早上都空腹喝蜂蜜水,会不会对肠胃不好?Every morning hollow drink honey water, can you be opposite is intestines and stomach bad?