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紫红色粉末。Purple-red powder.

早晨的时候将剩余的粉末倒出。Dump out the powder in the morning.

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本品为白色块状物或粉末。White freeze-dried block or powder.

应用的第二层粉末涂料。Applying a second coating of powder.

卵石被敲成粉末。The pebbles were beaten to a fine dust.

那台机器能把石头碾成粉末。The machine can crush rocks into powder.

变成石头的海贼们粉碎成了粉末。And the stoned pirates shatter into pieces.

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这台机器把石头碾成粉末。The machine pounded the stones into powder.

白色或类白色结晶性粉末,无气味。White or white crystalline powder, odorless.

白色的结晶性粉末,无气味,味酸。White fine powder, odorless, with sour taste.

硫酸钡必须是无块的粉末。The barium sulfate must be a lump-free powder.

这些粉末是由鱼,血和骨头制成的。The powder is made from fish, blood and bones.

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粉碎机能把大石块轧成粉末。A crushing machine reduces big rocks to powder.

热固性粉末涂料固化剂。Curing agent for thermosetting powder coatings.

它是一种白色结晶粉末,无气味。It is a white crystalline and odourless powder.

硫酸钡必须是无块的粉末。The barium sulfate must be a lump -free powder.

这部机器把这些石块磨成粉末。This machine grinds up these rocks into powder.

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对X射线粉末衍射进行了指标化。X-ray powder diffraction patterns were indexed.

放在露天的铁会逐渐锈成粉末。Exposed iron will gradually rust away to powder.

面粉就是由谷物尤其是小麦磨成的一种粉末。Flour is the powder made from grain, esp. wheat.