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我没什么新的见解可以献丑。I could contribute nothing new.

献丑献丑!Please do not laugh at my performance!

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献丑?啊,拜托。你可以试一试嘛。Caught dead? Ah, come on. You can have a try.

我才不要穿那样难看的衣服出去献丑。I wouldn't be caught dead in that ugly outfit.

我才不要穿那样难看的衣服献丑呢!I wouldn"t be caught dead in that ugly outfit."

我也认为献丑才是真道理啊!I also think show oneself up just is true truth!

我不懂法语,在这里就不献丑了?I don't speak French,so I'm going to drop that,right?

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宾客们都是听惯了第一流演奏家的,我实在不好意思在他们面前坐下来献丑。Iwouldreally rather not sit down beforethosewho must be in the habit of hearing the very best performers.

接下来我的练习,我不太会安排字的格局,还不太熟练,献丑了。The following are my practices, not so good I think. The main defect is lacking of experience of arrangement.

只是,多次的租车经验,就献丑分享一些个人的经验吧,希望能够帮助到每一位朋友。But, many car rental experience, we must share some personal experience, hope to be able to help every friend.

并且,在运用错误文件处理该指令时出现了404未知错误页面。献丑献丑。Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

他们不怕在全体学生面前站起、不惜在赛前动员会的班际竞赛中献丑。They're not afraid to get up in front of the entire student body and risk embarrassment in a class game at the pep rally.

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如果认为自己又不帅也不美就不要献丑了,那么你还不懂得所谓个性写真的真正涵义。If thought that oneself was not graceful is not beautiful do not reveal shortcomings, then you have not understood the so-called individuality portrait the true implication.

这部关于偷乘飞往月球的火箭的影片,实际上是政府策划的企图使太空飞行看起来如此荒谬以至于没人会再去献丑的阴谋。This movie about flies stowing away on a moon rocket was actually a government-sponsored plot to make traveling offworld seem so awful that nobody would ever want to do it again.