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铺在马厩里的草已粘结成层。Litter in the barn has bedded down.

铺在猪圈里的草已粘结成层了。Litter in the pig sty has bedded down.

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它只在烘焙后才会产生强粘结力。It only creates a strong bond when baked.

体外预应力是无粘结预应力的一种。External prestressing is a kind of no felt prestress.

在制造过程中,对淤浆内的粘结剂进行固化。A binder within the slurry is cured during fabrication.

冻僵的尸体粘结在一起只能用开水将他们分开。The frozen corpses had to be separated with boiling water.

直接证明粘结的机理是十分困难的。Direct proof of the mechanism of adhesion is quite elusive.

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直接证明粘结的机理是十分困难的。Direct proof of the mechanis. of adhesion is. quite elusive.

水泥的粘结强度高、用费少且运用便当。Cement bond strength high, with very few and using the lunch.

得出的数据仅限于检验剪力,粘结力,钢筋的锚固。Data is still limited for checking shear, bond and anchorage.

结果表明弱界面粘结的存在使复合材料宏观性能下降。A weak interfacial bonding reduces the elastic modulus of MMCs.

树脂粘结剂对银汞合金充填微渗漏的影响。Study of the microleakage on bonding resin for amalgam filling.

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该丝网和中心管是环氧树脂粘结到去年底的上限。The wire mesh and center tube are epoxy-bonded to the end caps.

糖块光亮卫生、不粘结、不磨损。The sweet is bright and sanitary, no cementation and no abrasion.

同时,也可作粘结剂及外墙装饰材料。Also be used as the binder and the outer wall decoration material.

粘结剂使用量较其他粒形铸模砂少。The less felting liquid can be used than other sand when using NFS.

这类气化炉只能使用非粘结性的煤。Only the nonagglomerating coal can be used in this kind of gasifier.

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广泛用于铸石防腐、木材粘结等。It is widely used to cast stone anti-corrosion and wood binding, etc.

对数衰减率适宜于测定界面粘结的破坏。The log decrement are suitable for determining interface bond damage.

粘结剂,树脂,预浸料,粗纱,编织类型和蜂窝夹心材料。Adhesives and resins, prepregs, rovings, weave patterns, core materials.