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原产国审验检查生产记录和运输记录。Country of Origina review Review production records and shipping records.

原产国审验-检查生产记载和运输记载。Country of Origina review-Review production records and shipping records.

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原产国审验—检查生产记录和运输记录。Country of Origina review—Review production records and shipping records.

结束会议—与工厂管理层评论审验期间发现的问题。Closing meeting—Review any findings found during the audit with factory management.

尤其是需要改装的线路图,您在审验的时候马虎不得。In particular the road map requires modification, you can not slack off in the name of time.

德福考试当天,考生须在审验身份时提交准考证,准考证由考点保留。Telford test day, candidates must be verified identity submit ticket, ticket reservation by test.

校车驾驶人每年需接受公安机关交通管理部门的审验。School bus drivers need to accept the traffic administrative department of the public security organ for inspection every year.

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进入出版物批发市场的经营单位在出版物销售前,须将出版物样本报送批发市场管理机构审验。An operation entity entering the market for wholesale of publications must, before selling the publications, submit a sample of publications.

由卫生监督员审验申请书,核准卫生许可项目并于一周内到现场按标准验收。Hygienic supervisor shall examine application, verify the item of hygienic license and go to the scene to inspect according to standard within one week.

方法严格供货方索证和审验工作,实行“一卡一票”制度。Methods The strict regulations of requiring relevant documents and tickets from sellers were needed in the form of carrying out "one-card-one-ticket" system.

下面请挪威船级社副总裁毕浩然先生讲话并宣读中远集团可持续发展报告审验意见。Next, let's welcome Mr. Bjorn K. Haugland, Vice-President of Det Norske Veritas to deliver a speech and read the assessing opinions for the COSCO Group Sustainable Development Report.