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或许这就是一个译员的命。An interpreter’s lot, perhaps.

我想可以,我以前做过译员。I think so.I used to be an interpreter.

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一名热情的年轻译员陪伴着他。An intense young interpreter accompanied him.

一个口译员负责处理美国手语。One interpreter handles American sign language.

那家公司把我们的最好的译员引诱过去了。The firm has enticed away our best interpreter.

你有想过有一天做口译员吗?Have you ever thought of being an interpreter someday?

如果一个译员在工作,不宜从中打扰。If an interpreter is working, it is improper to interrupt.

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口译员是任何电脑或翻译设备所无法替代的。NO computer or any devices alike could replace interpretor.

去年我有一位可钦佩的译员伯尔斯少校。I had my admirable interpreter of the previous year Major Birse.

不要要求口译员提供“字词到字词”的口译。Don't ask interpreters to provide "word-for-word" interpretation.

译员姓陈,是一个年约二十五六岁的英俊青年。The interpreter was a good-looking boy of twenty-six, named Chen.

安娜•胡萨尔斯卡是一位译员、新闻记者、人道救援工作者。Anna Husarska is a translator, journalist, and humanitarian worker.

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他们的技能要和口译员经过同样的考核。Their skills are tested the same way any other interpreter’s would be.

一年后我们几个译员申请访问中国,这次得到的答复是肯定的。US interpreters asked if we could visit China, and the answer was yes.

联合国口译员通常有数年的口译经验。United Nations interpreters often have years of interpreting experience.

最终,译员传达了我们的要求,我们得以上路了。Eventually, an interpreter got our request across and we made the journey.

我曾三次为广州出口商品交易会做译员。I acted as an interpreter for three times at Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair.

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就算是专业人士也要和另一名同声传译员进行合作。Even professionals have to work in tandem with another simultaneous interpreter.

来到解放区以后,在物色译员方面,我本会遇到许多麻烦。I was to have a great deal of interpreter trouble in the Liberated Areas, but Mr.

传译员可约于2小时内到达现场,即场提供协助。Interpreter will arrive at the site within 2 hours and provide immediate service.