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例如,现在那不勒斯也正在硬撬高科汉·因勒。For instance, right now Napoli are pushing hard for Gokhan Inler.

一些高科分析人士指出到明年Android平台会成为新的流行。By next year, they'll become the most popular, some tech analysts predict.

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高科大裤工作由炫耀而不会被皮肤紧你的曲线。Gaucho pants work great by showing off your curves without being skin tight.

在高科,编辑仅仅在职一年是很常见的。At Gawker, it is not uncommon for editors to stay on the job for just a year.

本公司为科工贸一体化的高科企业。The Company for Trade and Industry Branch of the Hi-Tech enterprise integration.

市政府终于批准了建设高科园的资金项目。The municipal government has finally voted the funds for building a high-tech park.

超越高科拥有十分丰厚的技术资源和雄厚的科研力量。Hi-Tech has a very rich beyond the technical resources and strong technological strength.

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海尔工业园座落于青岛市高科园,是海尔集团总部所在地。Haier Industrial Park is located in Qingdao Hi-tech Park, is the headquarters of Haier Group.

同时,我也希望您能将我的感谢转告给所有隆平高科此次活动的组织者和参与者。Thanks to also transmit my best congratulations to all the organizers and participants of LPHT.

著名的海尔工业园坐落在青岛市高科园东部,它是中国最大的系列家电制造基地与研发中心。The Haier Industrial Park in Qingdao is China's largest maker and R&D center of home appliances.

“荣高人”愿与新老客户一路联袂共创荣高科学技术新明天!Ronggao people"hope to create bright future hand in hand altogether with all new and old customers!"

第一批中国学生于该年来到巴黎高科攻读工程师学位。In that year the first batch of Chinese students headed for ParisTech to pursue an engineering degree.

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高科电机有限公司是一家大型电机维修及节能改造企业。Transtech Services Limited is a large electrical motor repair and transformation of energy enterprises.

我们衷心期望南方高科蜂窝电话成为国产手机众品牌中的获胜者。We sincerely hope that Southtech's cellular phone will become a winner against its domestic competitors.

乍一看来,对于家庭垃圾的处理只要使用高科手段就万事大吉了。DISPOSING of household rubbish is not, at first glance, a task that looks amenable to high-tech solutions.

从崛起到鼎盛,南方高科一度成为国内手机行业的一匹“黑马”。From the rise to the great prosperity, Soutec once became a dark horse in the domestic cell phone industry.

波义尔夫妇得驾车一个小时才能到达到丹佛南部“高科走廊”的工作地点。Mr. Boyle and his wife must drive nearly an hour to their jobs in the high-tech corridor of southern Denver.

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奉贤人造海滩的金沙是由海南运来的,大海是人工围堤后,用高科枝净化的。Fengxian artificial Sands Beach Hainan shipped by sea is the artificial dike, the use of clean-tech branches.

了解如何从一个咨询公司戴在此免费视频的拥有者对妇女的时尚形象与技巧高科裤。Learn how to wear gaucho pants with tips from an image consulting firm owner in this free video on women's fashion.

其产品结合了全球市场需求,进年发展成为集研发、生产、销售、服务等多位一体的全方位高科产业。And now it has developed into an all-round emerging high-tech industry including RD, production, sales and services.