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杰克沈著冷静。Jack is cold.

“我并不自私,”布里森登冷静地笑了。I'm not selfish.

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奈妲冷静下来。Naida grew calm.

冷静,怀疑。Cool, suspicious.

我很冷静。I'v cool. I'm cold.

那让我冷静下来。That calms me down.

笨蛋们都冷静下!Calm down morons! ! !

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冷静!,慢一点!"Just calm down! Slow down!

保持冷静和明智。Remain calm and levelheaded.

她在喘气,他们冷静下来。She gasps as they calm down.

赫克托耳有时很冷静。Hector can be cool sometimes.

作为足球评论员,我一贯都是很冷静的。As a punter , I'm pretty cool.

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真正的勇敢是冷静和沉着。True courage is cool and calm.

他是个头脑冷静的小伙子。He is quite a level-headed lad.

人们要是冷静点就好啦!If only people would calm down!

一个冷静的大脑往往是空的。A calmer mind is an emptier mind.

理智冷静的仇恨最为可叹An intellectual hatred is the worst

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冷静点,你只是在做梦呢。Calm dhave, you were only dreaming.

它支撑我和使我的头脑冷静。It braces me up and sobers my mind.

由此可见,男士的建议就是,冷静下来,耐心一点。What does the man advise Alen to do?