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绸缎做被面很受欢迎。Silk is popular for quilt coverings.

我因此而被面墙罚站10分钟。I had to stand by a wall for 10 minutes.

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当他将被面带有卡通图案的名片分发出去时,接受者就知道“嘿,这家伙做卡通”。When he hands out a card with a cartoon on the back the recipient knows “Hey this guy makes cartoons.”

没有浆糊,就用剩饭粒把星星粘到了红绸被面上。There is no paste on the tablets of the leftovers with the stars stick to the surface of the silk has been.

2008年在克利夫兰一位女患者接受了一次近似全脸的移植手术,她也是被面部被子弹射击。A near-total face transplant was carried out in Cleveland in 2008, on a woman who was also shot in the face.

品种有被面、枕套、靠垫、桌布、头巾、手帕等。The products themselves include quilt covers, pillow covers, back cushions, table cloths, scarves and handkerchiefs.

几天后,传授到床底下找拖鞋,赫然看到本身最好朋侪的遗体被面朝下钉在床板下。A few days later, the professor found the body of his best friend whose face was facing down was stapling under the bedplate.

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天然靛青使用传统工艺夹染纯棉粗布,始有蓝夹缬被面。The natural indigo uses the traditional craft for dyeing pure cotton crude cloth, and then the CHINA INDIGO PRINT is appeared.

囚犯被面如铁石的狱卒刺戳,鞭打,扭送进囚禁室,再一个挨一个的挤在一起,像正在腐烂的木头。Prisoners prodded, whipped and steered by stone-faced cadres into holding cells to be crammed side by side, like decaying logs.

YP系列熨平机适用于熨平被单、被面、窗帘、台布、浴巾、毛毯等。YP series ironing board is suitable for well pressing sheet, quilt cover, curtains, table cloth, bathing towel, woolen blanket, etc.

在上海市委书记陈良宇2006年因腐败被面之后,刘志军是因贪污被免职的最高级别的官员。He is the highest level official to be dismissed for corruption since disgraced Shanghai party boss Chen Liangyu was removed from office in 2006.

被面是使用各种花色各种材质的面料经过设计师的设计和谐美丽的结合在一起的拼接而成的被子。Quilted surface use various colors of fabric materials after the designs of designers and harmonious combination of beautiful splicing from the quilt.

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旅馆的房间就和为人开设的恋爱旅馆装修完全一样——缎子的被面,镜子的吊顶以及许多舒适的垫子。The rooms in the motel, at Barra Funda, are decorated in the same way as love motels for humans, with satin sheets, ceiling mirrors and lots of cushions.

这是几项旅游活动,如赛狗、翻薄饼比赛、缝被子比赛,被面也是当地的一个特产。Festival-goers, coming from all over Ontario and some from around the world, could go to anything from dog shows to pancake-flipping competitions to quilting contests.

系列熨平机是洗涤机械中先进熨平设备。它广泛适用于熨平各种被单、被面、床单、台布、浴巾、毛巾、毛毯等织物。Series of flatter is an advanced flatting equipments in washing machinery which is widely used in ironing all kinds of bedsheet, quilt sheet, table sheet, towel, blanket, etc.

转换波资料的信噪比较低,有效信号往往被面波干扰淹没,因此需要对面波进行压制,但是将面波作为线性干扰的压制方法很难得到好的效果。Effective suppression of ground roll is vital to converted wave seismic data processing, but the methods of suppressing ground roll, as linear noise is usually dissatisfactory.

YPD系列熨平机是洗涤机械中先进熨平设备。它广泛适用于熨平各种被单、被面、床单、台布、浴巾、毛巾、毛毯等织物。YPD Series of flatter is an advance flatting equipments in washing machinery which is widely used in ironing all kinds of bedsheet, quilt sheet, table sheet, towel, blanket, etc.

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绣品的种类繁多,包括被面、枕套、衣、鞋和画屏等,既有巨幅条屏,又有袖珍小件,是观赏性与实用性兼备的精美艺术品。The craftsmanship of Shu embroidery involves a combination of fine arts, aesthetics and practical uses, such as the facings of quilts, pillowcases, coats, shoes and screen covers.

应用本实用新型,睡袋可作为棉被使用,同时由于是可展开的单层棉被结构,便于被面的拆洗。The utility model is used, the sleeping bag can be used as the quilt, simultaneously a quilt cover is convenient to be detached and washed because of the extension single layer quilt structure.

烫平机、又称平烫机、烫平机,广泛适用于烫平各种被单、被面、窗帘等织物。是各大小宾馆、招待所、医院及漂染厂等必不可少的设备。Mangle, also named ironing machinery , is widely used in hotels , guesthouses , hospitals , and bleaching and dyeing house to iron all kinds of fabrics such as bed linen , quilt cover , curtain, etc.