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我们人类乃是大自然循环的一份子。We humans are part of a circle.

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我让他们以为我也是其中一份子。I let them think I was one of them.

苹果就更是一个世界的分离份子.Apple is even more of a world apart.

恐怖份子攻击美国。Terrorists attacked the U-nited States.

连她自己也是其中一份子,每个礼拜日都要来演一次。Even she had a part and came every Sunday.

你们可能在这个党,或者那个党里看到一个麦卡锡份子。You may see a McCarthyite in either party.

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这并不代表你们是好战份子。This does not mean that you are warmongers.

我必须承认,我曾经也是这群人中的一份子。I’ll admit it, I was one of those people too.

作为金融体系的一份子,我们都面临着风险。As a member of the system, we were all at risk.

马里军队俘虏了九名恐怖份子。Nine terrorists were captured by Malian forces.

SOPERA应该成为这个未来堆栈的一份子。SOPERA should become part of this future stack.

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汤姆从他们拉的生意中抽份子。Tom took a cut from all the business they pull.

如果柏拉图是一名法西斯份子,那你们又该如何自称?If Plato is a fascist, ? what does that make you?

不过,评论员梅洛迪·克莱默已经不再是他们的一份子了。Commentator Melody Kramer is no longer one of them.

范说,海盗是武装团伙的一份子。Pham says pirates are members of armer armed gangs.

我希望在70岁前能成为社会中有所作为的一份子。I hope to be a productive member of society until 70.

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重申,明报想成为这些小报的一份子吗?。Again, would Ming Pao want to be one of these tabloids?

依我之见,海盗应当被当作恐怖份子来对待。As I see it, pirates should be treated like terrorists.

你觉得你是自由主义运动的一份子吗?Do you feel that you are part of a libertarian movement?