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口口声声说撒旦规则大地。Proclaiming that satan rules the earth.

还口口声声说自己才是米家的准女婿。Also claim that they are m future son-in-law.

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他口口声声表白不知道这件事。He glibly professed his ignorance of the affair.

一件事,他不能做的,就是讲,'尼基塔口口声声。The one thing he can't do is to talk, ' Nikita kept saying.

他们口惠而实不至,口口声声支持教育,却又不肯为改善学校条件做一些实际工作。They pay lip-service to education but don't work for better schools.

口口声声说希望我过得幸福,我怎么才算幸福?Say repeatedly repeatedly said they want me happy, I what is happiness?

他口口声声说他一定帮忙,然而事到临头他什么也不帮。He always says he'll help, but when it comes to the crunch, he does nothing.

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您遇到过那种明明是在虐待,口口声声说这仅仅是支配的人吗?Have you ever seen people who behave abusively but claim it's merely dominance?

我们都为喧嚣、荆棘和吵闹所羁绊!人人口口声声不要数典忘祖。All about us is noise and bramble, thorn and din, each one of our ancestors on our tongues.

我想不到一个口口声声说爱妻子的人,居然会如此残忍地夺去了爱人的生命。I can never imagine a man exclaiming loudly his great love to his wife should kill her brutally.

我不能说阿拉莫是个称职的评论家,尽管他口口声声谈的全是文学评论。And I can't say that Álamo was much of a critic either, even though he talked a lot about criticism.

这样的研究结果与那些口口声声反对同性恋父母的人所预期的恰好相反。These findings stand in contrast to what some vocal opponents of gay or lesbian parents might have expected.

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你说我第一天上完他的课后,口口声声夸他长得帅?你别瞎说八道了。Of course you would say that. After all, on the first day of class all you did was talk about how cute he was.

他又口口声声地庇护的这个行业去斗志昂扬地复辟已经被英国人于1710年颠覆的传统。He speaks for an industry that is instead fighting to restore the tradition that the British overturned in 1710.

相反,大家认为我们伪善,我们口口声声主张正义,而被我们关押在关塔纳莫湾的犯人,没有一点权力。But instead for being hypocrites, that we talk about justice but we have detainees in Guantanamo who have no rights.

相反,大家认为我们伪善,我们口口声声主张正义,而被我们关押在关塔纳莫湾的犯人,没有一点权力。But instead for being hypocrites, that we talk about justice but we have detainees in Guantanamo who have no rights.

你口口声声说你多么爱你的老板,但接下来却说,你将用公司会破产的想法来自我安慰。You protest how much you like your boss but then say you'll console yourself with thought of the company going bust.

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一些人口口声声要铭记历史,可却不愿让历史的真实重现。Certain people talk about needing to remember history, but they will not permit any realistic representation of that history.

我爱这个国家,你口口声声印度万岁,但是你的所作所为是多么的肮脏。How many dirt you are in our beloved country. But dont worry very soon we all INDIANS will throw you out of our Mahaan Bharat.

你不要喝红牛,虽然红牛口口声声说它可以帮助你提神,但是依我的经验和我所认识的朋友的经验,它丝毫作用也没有。You do not want Red Bull, it claims it helps you stay awake, but in my experience , and in all of my friends, it did nothing whatsoever.